Tench Reserve, Nepean River Parklands
设计理念的深度融合:Tench Reserve项目的成功之处在于其设计理念的深度融合。它不仅仅是一个公园,更是一个文化与自然的结合体。从“故事陷阱”公共艺术品的设计,到天然材料的选择,无不体现了对当地土著文化和自然环境的尊重。这种设计理念的深度,使得公园不仅仅是一个休闲娱乐的场所,更是一个能够激发人们思考和情感共鸣的空间。设计师巧妙地将文化元素融入到公园的每一个细节中,使公园具有独特的个性和魅力。这种整体性的设计,使公园成为一个富有生命力和可持续发展的典范。
社区参与与创新元素的巧妙结合:项目的另一个亮点在于其对社区参与的重视以及创新元素的运用。通过与社区成员的深入沟通和合作,确保了设计能够真正反映当地居民的需求和愿望。活动圆形剧场、码头区以及包容性游乐场等创新元素的加入,为公园增添了活力和多样性。这些设计不仅满足了不同人群的需求,也为公园带来了更多的可能性。例如,雕塑楼梯/圆形剧场既提供了观景视角,也方便了临时舞台的搭建,使得公园可以承办各种活动。这种社区参与和创新元素的巧妙结合,使Tench Reserve成为一个充满活力和包容性的公共空间。
可持续发展与韧性的完美平衡: Tench Reserve在可持续发展和韧性方面也表现出色。项目在设计中充分考虑了当地的气候和环境条件,例如,选择天然材料、确保抗洪能力等。这使得公园不仅美观,而且具有很强的适应性和抵抗力。通过这种设计,设计师成功地在坚固的基础设施和公园的自然特质之间取得了平衡。此外,项目在社会、环境、文化和经济方面都做了综合考虑,创造了一个有弹性和珍贵的公共空间。这不仅提升了社区的福祉,也为未来的开放空间设计树立了标杆。这种对可持续发展的关注,使得Tench Reserve成为一个具有长期价值的公共资产。
Tench Reserve–Parks for People荣获2024年新南威尔士州AILA公园与景观建筑奖;开放空间强>
Tench Reserve – Parks for People, won the 2024 NSW AILA Landscape Architecture Award for Parks & Open Space.
Tench Reserve位于风景如画的尼皮恩河畔,是公园设计、社区参与和可持续发展的卓越证明。作为新南威尔士州政府“人民公园”计划的一部分,这个转型项目是未来开放空间设计的基准,展示了对创新、有弹性和文化包容性公共空间的承诺。
Situated along the picturesque banks of the Nepean River, Tench Reserve stands as a testament to excellence in park design, community engagement, and sustainable development. Part of the NSW Government’s Parks for People program, this transformative project is a benchmark for future open space designs, demonstrating a commitment to innovative, resilient, and culturally inclusive public spaces.
Tench Reserve的复兴始于一个明确的愿景,即提高社区福祉,同时将公园融入悉尼更广泛的蓝绿色基础设施,包括Nepean River Walk。在彭里斯市尼皮恩河总体规划的指导下,该项目旨在创造一个充满活力和灵活性的公园,将社区与河流连接起来,尊重当地需求和土著文化价值观。
The revitalisation of Tench Reserve began with a clear vision to enhance community well-being while integrating the park into Sydney’s broader blue-green infrastructure, including the Nepean River Walk. Guided by the City of Penrith’s Nepean River Masterplan, the project aimed to create a dynamic and flexible parkland that bridges the community with the river, respecting both local needs and Aboriginal cultural values.
从一开始,该项目就强调通过与JOC Consulting的合作进行社区参与。这涉及通过协商和研讨会与社区成员联系,以确保设计反映了共同的愿望和见解。最初的反馈是通过在线调查和社交精确地图收集的,参与者贡献了影响公园发展的想法和优先事项。
From the outset, the project emphasised community engagement through collaboration with JOC Consulting. This involved connecting with community members via consultations and workshops to ensure the design mirrored shared aspirations and insights. Initial feedback was collected through an online survey and a social pinpoint map, with participants contributing ideas and priorities that influenced the park’s development.
Tench Reserve具有几个创新元素。活动圆形剧场和码头区庆祝公园的河滨位置,为活动提供灵活的空间,并设有雕塑楼梯/圆形剧场,提供有利位置并容纳临时舞台。这个充满活力的游戏空间包括一个配备固定设备的包容性游乐场、水上游戏和非正式的自然游戏,以及新的烧烤设施、遮阳结构和Hill Thalis Architecture的包容性设施亭。此外,与Cave Urban合作创作的受土著文化主题启发的“故事陷阱”公共艺术品,以一件大型陆地艺术作品为特色,该作品代表了一个由花岗岩巨石和铸铜鱼制成的捕鱼陷阱,吸引了触觉互动和反思。
Tench Reserve features several innovative elements. The events amphitheatre and wharf precinct celebrate the park’s riverside location, offering flexible spaces for events and a sculptural stair / amphitheatre that provides a vantage point and accommodates temporary staging. The dynamic playspace includes an inclusive playground with fixed equipment, water play, and informal nature play, along with new BBQ facilities, shade structures, and an inclusive amenities pavilion by Hill Thalis Architecture. Additionally, the ‘Story Trap’ public artwork, created in collaboration with Cave Urban and inspired by Aboriginal cultural themes, features a large-scale Land Art piece representing a fish trap made from granite boulders and cast bronze fish, inviting tactile interaction and reflection.
The design reflects a profound connection to Country, with cultural principles woven throughout the park’s features. Balarinji’s consultation with local Aboriginal knowledge holders enriched the project, integrating themes of education, community spaces, and environmental stewardship. The choice of natural materials respects the site’s history while ensuring resilience against flooding, striking a balance between robust infrastructure and the parkland’s naturalistic qualities.
Tench Reserve使该地区重新焕发活力,成为彭里斯地区的中心聚集地。该公园支持当地企业,并举办“真实节日”等活动,加强社区参与和经济活动。该公园的设计解决了社区在交通、健康和安全方面的关键价值,为日常使用和特殊活动提供了一个充满活力的中心。
Tench Reserve has revitalised the area, becoming a central gathering space for the Penrith region. The park supports local businesses and hosts events like the ‘Real Festival,’ enhancing community engagement and economic activity. The park’s design addresses key community values of access, health, and safety, offering a vibrant hub for both everyday use and special events.
Tench Reserve的复兴是一个综合项目,综合考虑社会、环境、文化和经济因素,创造一个有弹性和珍贵的公共空间。通过将河流与社区重新连接起来,并为各种活动提供平台,CONTEXT的设计为河滨景观树立了新的标准,展示了协作愿景和创新设计在塑造充满活力、包容的社区方面的力量。
The Tench Reserve revitalisation is a holistic project that integrates social, environmental, cultural, and economic considerations to create a resilient and cherished public space. By reconnecting the river to the community and providing a platform for diverse activities, CONTEXT’s design sets a new standard for riverside landscapes, demonstrating the power of collaborative vision and innovative design in shaping vibrant, inclusive communities.
Project Data
Landscape architecture: CONTEXT
-Hills Thalis,建筑
Other designers involved in the design of landscape:
– NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, Client
– Hills Thalis, Architecture
– JOC Consulting, Community & Engagement
– Balarinji, Indigenous Design and Strategy
– Stantec, Engineering
– NGH, Heritage
– Birds Tree Consultancy, Arboriculture
– Funktion, Access and Inclusive Design
– GHD, Engineering (wharf)
– CCEP, Play Certification
Project Location: New South Wales, Australia
Year completed: 2023
Photo credits:
– Brett Boardman
– Penrith City Council