Dr. Beski Science Foundation / ZAV Architects
项目特色与价值:Beski 科学基金会的设计独具匠心。它不仅是一座多功能建筑,以开放式楼层满足各种活动需求,还在建设中采用了类似于伊朗传统智慧的循环经济方法。这种灵活性确保了其对用户群体的重要性,同时也为当地社会经济的发展做出了贡献。其对可用材料、当地工艺等资源的充分利用,展现了“诚实的构造”和“不完美的美学”,降低了建筑成本,减少了资源浪费,具有很高的可持续性价值。
© Parham Taghioff
© Parham Taghioff
Gholamali Beski博士(1931-2019)是一位伊朗医生和环保主义者,被称为“自然之父”Dr. Gholamali Beski (1931 – 2019) was an Iranian physician and environmentalist known as the "father of nature". The Dr. Beski Science Foundation is an educational platform in Gonbad-e Kavus, a remote city near Iran's north-eastern border with Turkmenistan. "The city needs versatile public and cultural spaces to support the development of its present and future urban life," says ZAV Architects. To fulfill this need, the Dr. Beski Science Foundation offers adaptable spaces supporting various functions.
© Parham Taghioff
Urban Fabric Diagram
该基金会的最初目的是通过为学生和研究人员提供研讨会、实验室和小型会议厅来提升Gonbad-e Kavus的科学形象。然而,最初人们担心该项目在一个缺乏城市空间的偏远城市的可行性,并担心伊朗的限制性政治环境。人们开始质疑该项目是否会吸引和留住学生和研究人员。客户和建筑师团队需要一种“更具跨学科性和文化活力的方法”,将重点转向加强当地社区。
The Foundation's original purpose was to enhance Gonbad-e Kavus's scientific profile by providing workshops, laboratories, and a small conference hall for students and researchers. However, there were initial concerns about the viability of the project within a remote city that lacked urban spaces and concerns over Iran's restrictive political environment. Questions arose whether or not the project would attract and retain students and researchers. Client and architects' team a "more interdisciplinary and culturally vibrant approach" was needed, shifting the focus towards strengthening the local community.
© Parham Taghioff
First Floor Plan
© Parham Taghioff
The Dr. Beski Science Foundation is a versatile building, designed with open-plan floors that will meet the needs of various activities with minimal modifications, including educational workshops, professional gatherings, conferences, exhibitions, and co-working: the building's flexible nature ensures it will remain relevant for its community of users.
© Payman Barkhordari
© Soroush Majidi
这种灵活性延伸到基金会的建设中,它促进了类似于伊朗传统智慧的循环经济方法。ZAV Architects称之为“祖母的循环经济”,解释说:“这种模式通过将简单、可用的资源转化为有价值的空间来增强当地的社会经济。”祖母式的方法通过实用性和资源效率来设置许多商店,以美观的方式看待它们。
This flexibility extends to the Foundation's construction and it promotes a circular economy approach similar to traditional Iranian resourcefulness. ZAV Architects calls this "the 'grandmother's' circular economy," explaining: "This model enhances the local social economy by transforming simple, available resources into valuable spaces." The grandmotherly approach sets many stores by practicality and resource efficiency, viewing them in an aesthetically pleasing manner.
© Parham Taghioff
"The project embraces available materials, local craftsmanship, site characteristics, and surrounding areas as resources that address the ultimate design," says ZAV. "Buildings in Gonbad typically use a concrete frame and clay block infill and commonly feature unfinished side facades with rough cement finishes. This building intentionally mirrors the city's facades, demonstrating that even unfinished resources can inspire unconventional designs."
© Parham Taghioff
East Elevation
"The project adopts 'honest tectonics' and 'imperfect aesthetics',". "This eliminates interior finishes, resulting in the reduced consumption of resources, minimal waste, a lighter building structure, and lower construction costs." also materials such as gypsum boards and steel profiles can be removed, replaced, and reused during the Foundation's lifespan. Renewable energy is generated by rooftop photovoltaic panels and the building makes use of natural ventilation.
© Parham Taghioff
Section B
The Dr. Beski Science Foundation is built on a triangular plot — the site's physical arrangement helped determine the building's triangular stepped design. Built to align with the surrounding urban fabric, the Foundation's volume gradually reduces from five levels to two levels. A ground-floor courtyard connects with the street via a semi-open covered space; the building's terraces extend the amount of green space, opening the building to the city at different levels.
© Parham Taghioff