互动生活博物馆Yatiyawi/Samuel Hilari

景观设计 / 公共空间 2024-11-27 15:06

互动生活博物馆Yatiyawi/Samuel Hilari
Interactive Living Museum Yatiyawi / Samuel Hilari

项目亮点:该互动生活博物馆 Yatiyawi 在多方面展现出卓越性。首先,它以重新引入夯土技术为特色,在城市蔓延中脱颖而出,成为连接过去与现在的独特存在。其使用泥土和木材等低碳足迹材料,既符合环保理念,又为教育议程增添了生动元素。而且,以约 30000 美元的低成本建造,充分体现了资源的高效利用和对当地劳动力的合理运用,堪称玻利维亚当代最大的夯土作品。



© Santos Winston Miranda Ramos

© Santos Winston Miranda Ramos

建筑师提供的文字描述“Museo Vivo Interactivo Yatiyawi”旨在举办展览和研讨会,为El Getsemaní基金会提供新的空间,该基金会是一个与Tilata城郊社区的儿童和青少年合作的组织。这个社区是拉巴斯-埃尔阿尔托大都市区郊区的一部分,海拔约3920米。正在改变蒂拉塔景观的城市蔓延也可以用物质来描述,因为作为最近农村历史见证的土建筑正迅速被混凝土和砖建筑所取代。
Text description provided by the architects. The “Museo Vivo Interactivo Yatiyawi” is designed to house exhibitions and workshops, providing new spaces for the El Getsemaní foundation, an organization that works with children and adolescents in the periurban neighborhood of Tilata. This neighborhood is part of the outskirts of the La Paz-El Alto metropolitan area, at an altitude of approximately 3920 meters above sea level. The urban sprawl that is transforming the landscape of Tilata can also be described in material terms, as earthen buildings, witnesses of a recent rural past, are rapidly being replaced by concrete and brick constructions.

© Santos Winston Miranda Ramos

© Santos Winston Miranda Ramos

It is in this context that the museum seeks to make a difference with the reintroduction of rammed earth as the main construction technique, standing out from its surroundings as a space where the materialities of earth and wood are part of the didactic agenda to which the museum and the foundation that hosts it are attached. With a minimal budget, the museum was built with approximately 30.000 dollars, with the premise of offering adequate spaces of simple construction, using materials with a low carbon footprint and employing local labor force. This project represents the largest contemporary work of rammed earth in Bolivia.

© Santos Winston Miranda Ramos

© Santos Winston Miranda Ramos

Plan and section

The museum's collection is mainly composed of the legacy of the extinct Yatiyawi Foundation, an organization that worked since the 1990s in Tilata, producing educational material for both children and adults. “Yatiyawi” means ‘Teaching’ in the indigenous Aymara language spoken in the region. Each space has its own characteristics in terms of textures and colors, a common factor being the use of earth.

© Santos Winston Miranda Ramos

© Santos Winston Miranda Ramos

The tour of the museum begins in the existing rooms of the “Casa Barbara”, which have been renovated and adapted internally, applying a new earthen plaster over the existing adobe walls, thus replacing a previous stucco plaster. The tour continues through a smaller space, which is characterized by a light earthen plaster, made with gray earth that was brought from the nearby Achocalla valley, located approximately 10 km from the site.

© Santos Winston Miranda Ramos

最后,游客进入新的街区,这个空间完全用夯土墙建造,有一个由暴露的木桁架组成的山墙屋顶。光线从上方穿过脊两侧的聚碳酸酯板进入。该空间有两个出口,标记了一个纵向穿过该空间的中心轴。北出口通往一个露台,那里保存着安第斯高地的两棵本土树木Kiswaras(Buddleja coriacea Remy)。
Finally, the tour enters the new block, this space is built entirely with rammed earth walls and has a gable roof composed of exposed wooden trusses. Light enters from above through polycarbonate sheets arranged on both sides of the ridge. This space has two exits that mark a central axis that crosses the space longitudinally. The north exit opens onto a patio where two Kiswaras (Buddleja coriacea Remy), native trees of the Andean highlands, were preserved.

© Santos Winston Miranda Ramos

互动生活博物馆Yatiyawi/Samuel Hilari