Willi Resetarits教育机构/Kronaus Mitterer建筑技术有限公司
Willi Resetarits Educational Facility / Kronaus Mitterer Architekten ZT GmbH
创新与可持续的教育建筑典范:Willi Resetarits 教育机构是一个令人瞩目的建筑项目。棋盘式布局将教育街区与开放空间完美融合,实现了空间的灵活运用和室内外的无缝连接。木材与混凝土的结合营造出温暖氛围,独特的立面设计赋予建筑个性。户外区域宽敞,绿色露台补充了孩子们的活动空间,绿色外墙更是支持了城市热岛战略。在可持续发展方面,该校园设定了新的标准,光伏系统、地热能利用等举措尽显环保理念。
充满活力的学习场所:这个教育园区不仅仅是教学楼,更是一个充满活力的学习场所。它以周到的建筑设计和可持续的理念,成为 Floridsdorf 的中心亮点。开放的布局和多种用途提升了教育水平,为孩子们提供了良好的学习和成长环境。同时,对当地野生动物的保护体现了建筑与自然的和谐共生,为教育机构的设计树立了榜样。
© Kronaus Mitterer Architekten
© Ninoslav Ilic
建筑师提供的文字描述提升教育:维也纳的可持续校园-维也纳最北端的Floridsdorf区有一个新的建筑亮点:由“Kronaus Mitterer Architekten”设计的Hinaysgasse教育校园。该校园以著名的维也纳歌手Willi Resetarits的名字命名,它将幼儿园、小学、高中、音乐学校和青年中心融为一体,以其创新的建筑和可持续的建筑给人留下深刻印象。
Text description provided by the architects. Elevating Education: A sustainable campus in Vienna - The northernmost district of Vienna, Floridsdorf, has a new architectural highlight: the educational campus on Hinaysgasse, designed by "Kronaus Mitterer Architekten". The campus was named after the famous Viennese singer Willi Resetarits and it combines kindergarten, elementary school, high school, music school, and a youth center under one roof, impressing with its innovative architecture and sustainable construction.
© Ninoslav Ilic
Plan 1
© Ninoslav Ilic
© Kronaus Mitterer Architekten
The building features a checkerboard layout, where "educational blocks" are mixed with open spaces. The design allows for flexible use of space, brings plenty of light inside, and seamlessly connects indoor and outdoor spaces. The combination of wood and concrete creates a warm, welcoming atmosphere, while the facade, with its alternating protrusions and recesses, gives the building a distinctive identity. The thoughtful architecture extends to the outdoor area as well, where generous open spaces allow the children to play, learn and relax. Those areas are complemented by green terraces on the upper floors. Green façades not only improve the microclimate but also support Vienna's "Urban Heat Island" strategy by helping to cool the surrounding environment.
© Ninoslav Ilic
In terms of sustainability, the campus sets new standards. A photovoltaic system provides green energy, and the use of geothermal energy through thermal activation of building components contributes to cooling and heating the rooms. Rainwater is intelligently utilized, and nesting boxes for local wildlife such as swifts, bats, and jackdaws are integrated into the facade for the protection of native species.
© Ninoslav Ilic
The new educational campus on Hinaysgasse is more than just a school building. It is a vibrant place of learning, distinguished by its thoughtful architecture and sustainable construction. This school is a central and exciting addition to Floridsdorf, elevating education, with its open layout and various uses.
© Kronaus Mitterer Architekten