Two Caves
Interior And Access Refurbishing for Public Use.
Karst Complex Natural Monument Ojo Guareña.
T. M. De Cueva. Merindad De Sotoscueva (Burgos).
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallegov
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
Design: Manuel Fonseca Gallego. Architect.
Promoter: Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Medio Ambiente, en colaboración la Consejería de Educación y Cultura.
Work managers: Santiago Cid Cuartero. Architect. Jesús Rodríguez Jiménez. Architectural Technician.
Construction: Empresa de Transformación Agraria, S. A. (TRAGSA) Área de Burgos.
Project Date: December 2000.
Completion Date: July 2002.
Budget: 238.500,79 €
Text translation: Antonio Guijarro García. Architect.
The Karst Complex of Ojo Guareña, declared “Natural Monument”, is, due to its 110 km trail, the second largest in Spain and can be included among the ten largest in the world. Besides having a high caving value, inside there have been collected samples from all cultures: engravings, rock paintings, ceramic and weapon remains, resulting into spectacular geological formations, such as chasms, galleries, underground lakes and unique fauna specimens.
The Romanesque chapel of St. Tirso and St. Bernabé (XII) was declared a Historic Artistic Monument in 1970 and is the first glimpse of the environment near the access. Its single nave, takes advantage of a natural vault with curious murals of St. Tirso´s martyrdoms and St. Tirso´s and San Bernabe´s miracles dated between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and shelters the visitor into a highlight of the inside tour.
As a result of last year´s demand increase in the number of visits to the Cave and the Chapel (the area with greatest potential public use development in the gallery complex), a conditioning activity for public use was needed , one that would optimize the facilities, since they didn´t reunite enough requirements for safe and controlled use. In rainy seasons, substrate turns into a quagmire because of frequent leaks, and in dry seasons, fine dust generates a stifling atmosphere. It was intended to solve these critical points, altering as little as possible its original configuration and respecting the archaeological cave levels:
– Controlled trails inside
– Lighting installations
– Security
此外,对市政厅房间进行了改造(直到1924年才这样命名),洞穴的入口提供了一个新的围墙。在附近,他们设计了一个访问控制和信息的地方,以及一个用品和设备的储存区。在小径的末端有一个高度降低的区域,网关直接支撑在地面上。在坡度太高的其他区域,下降后立即急剧上升,网关保持均匀坡度,从而形成80 cm的坡度。地形最低点的平均上升高度。沿着小径的照明位于栏杆上,由光纤制成,改变其强度以增强导游中有趣的里程碑,但试图保持半暗的感觉,巧妙地引导游客。该栏杆采用独立于小道平台的设计,成为一条更自由的道路。
In addition, an adaptation of the City Hall Room was made (named like this until 1924) and the cave´s access providing a new enclosure. Nearby they designed a place for access control and information, as well as a storage area for supplies and equipment. At the end of the trail there is an area where the height decreases in such a way that the gateway is directly supported on the ground. In other areas where the slope is too high descending and immediately rising sharply, the gateway keeps with a uniform slope, thus resulting into an 80 cm. average raising over the lowest point of the terrain. The lighting along the trail stands in the railing, made with optical fiber, changing its intensity in order to enhance the milestones that are interesting to show in the guide tour, but trying to maintain a sense of semi-darkness, guiding the visitor subtly. This railing has an independent design from the trail´s platform, becoming a freer path.
Interior And Access Refurbishing For Public Use.
Cave-Chasm From La Serreta. Unesco World Heritage Site.
Almadenes Canyon. Segura River. Cieza (Murcia).
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
© Manuel Fonseca Gallego
Design: Manuel Fonseca Gallego. Architect.
Promoter: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Región de Murcia, Ayuntamiento de Cieza.
Work manager: José María Domínguez Ibáñez. Ph.D Agricultural Engineer.
Construction: Empresa de Transformación Agraria, S. A. (TRAGSA). Delegación Territorial de Murcia.
Project date: February 2002.
Completion date: March 2006.
Text translation: Antonio Guijarro García. Architect.
1985年《西班牙历史遗产法》宣布La Serreta洞穴峡谷为文化遗产,1998年《联合国教科文组织法》宣布La Serreta洞穴峡谷为世界遗产,作为西班牙地中海地区全岩艺术的一部分。这是穆尔西亚最重要的考古遗址之一,既有壮观的景观,也有在里面发现的遗迹。它被翻新以供公众使用,以暴露从史前到现在在里面发现的遗骸。在它的墙上,有保存完好的、图解式的、半自然的旧石器时代(公元前5000-4000年)后洞穴壁画。在它的角落里,发现了阿尔加里工具,两座罗马房屋的遗迹(公元三世纪),假设是已知的唯一罗马半岛洞穴栖息地,并有证据证明自伊斯兰中世纪以来,阿尔加里工具就被用作牲畜的庇护所(第X-XII节)。这些不同层次的文化占领使它成为岩石艺术的庇护所、新石器时代的栖息地和晚期罗马的庇护所。
La Serreta cave-chasm has been declared Cultural Interest by the Spanish Historical Heritage Act of 1985 and a World Heritage Site by Unesco Act of 1998, as part of the whole rock art in the Spanish Mediterranean area. This is one of the most important archaeological sites in Murcia, both for its spectacular landscape and for the remains found inside. It has been refurbished for public use in order to expose the remains found inside, which go back from prehistory to the present. On its walls, there are well preserved, schematic, semi naturalistic cave paintings from the post-Palaeolithic period (5000-4000 BC). At its corners, Argaric tools have been found, remains of two Roman houses (third century AD), assuming the only roman peninsular cave-habitat known and evidence that attests its use as a shelter for livestock since Islamic Middle Ages (ss. X-XII). These different levels of cultural occupation make it a Rock Art Sanctuary, a Neolithic habitat and a late Roman shelter.
The solution seeks to minimize the contact with the walls in order to alter the existing remains as least as possible, also exploiting the excellent interpretative conditions of this unique space, enhancing the incredible views over the canyon with the addition of a viewpoint over the void. Only two materials are used: steel and wood, which dialogue with the stony environment and allow the contemplation of the wonderful existing paintings and the remains of a Roman villa, through the creation of platforms connected by step flights that cover the strong slope, culminating in the route’s final viewpoint platform. Signalling elements are designed as an integrated part in the set. The access has been designed as a closed box that enables the place’s protection and identification when it’s open. From this element, several flights of metal stairs descent to the cave’s base incorporating flights of wooden stairs on the rock strata, running along the most relevant areas. The intervention is complemented by the incorporation of solar panels that enable self sufficient-illumination in the path’s dark areas. During the course of the work, and due to its special characteristics and conditions, we decided to continue the path in order to create the final platform, focusing on the spectacular canyon, regardless of the other suggested by the archaeological team.