
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-11-25 04:00

Public Spaces in Algeciras

Mariñas Arquitectos Asociados:一个小岛,al-Yazirat al-Jadra,从“德拉米埃尔”河(o W–díl-Asal river)出口约400米处的植被覆盖的海洋中出现,命名为Algeciras镇;8世纪,塔提克·本·齐亚德从这个岛进入半岛,留下一支小部队保护她心爱的乌姆·哈基姆的安全。比赛重点所在地的历史非常重要。12世纪前,不同的人来到了岛上,他们在岛上建立了著名的“Villa Vieja”,在13世纪建立了“Villa Nueva”(o Merinítown)河流变成了一个港口,肥沃的种植区成为了供应地。沟渠、灌溉渠、果树和无花果树与水边茂盛的桤木树林混杂在一起。可能就在那里,乌姆·哈基姆建造了一个满是棕榈树和桤木的花园,在那里,水声和地平线可以休息。干预的地点他的战略地位实际上是一扇“门”在欧洲和非洲之间,在西班牙和摩洛哥之间,遵循自然限制或出于某些原因不包括在城镇中的城市干预。尽管处于中心位置,但我们可以欣赏到一种蔓延和边缘化的特征。在所示图片中,正如我们所看到的,该地区完全被无序的停车场所占据同时,这个地区也成为了社会问题的一个麻烦点,既有不经常移民的问题,也有毒品和卖淫的问题。
Mariñas Arquitectos Asociados: A little Island, al-Yazirat al –Jadra, emerging from the sea covered by vegetation about 400 metros from the outlet of “de la Miel” river (o Wâdí-l-Asal river), gave the name to Algeciras town; and from this island Tâtik ben Ziyad got into the peninsula in the 8th century leaving there a little troop to keep her beloved Umm Hakim safe. The history of the site in which the competition focuses on is very important. Different people reached the cost of the island where 12th century ago they founded the well Known “Villa Vieja, and in the 13th century the “Villa Nueva” ( o Meriní town). The “de la Miel” river became a port and the rich area of cultivation became the supplying site. Channel and irrigation ditches, fruit trees and fig trees were mixed with lush alder groves following the water. Probably right there Umm Hakim made a garden full of palms and alders, where the water sound and the horizon invited to rest. The site of the intervention with his strategic position is literally a “door” between Europe and Africa, between Spain and Morocco and follows natural limits or those urban interventions that for some reasons are not included in the town. Despite the centrality, we can appreciate a sprawling and peripheral character. In the shown pictures, as we can see, the place was totally occupied by the disorderly parking of the cars and by asphalt roads that make a deep urban fracture in Algeciras town. In the same time this area was becoming a trouble spot of social problems, both for a not regular immigration and for the presence of focuses of drug and prostitution.

Public Spaces in Algeciras

© Mariñas AA

Public Spaces in Algeciras

© Mariñas AA

Public Spaces in Algeciras

© Mariñas AA

Public Spaces in Algeciras

© Mariñas AA

Public Spaces in Algeciras

© Mariñas AA


The archaeological sensibility y the historical importance of the site brought us to decide two project strategies. At fist used project as instrument to regenerate public slum area. Secondly strengthen an identification place where show the historical importance. Make a new public space as a “new door”, between two continents, recognized inside the model of the city, proposed by the general urban planning of Algeciras. Our propose wants to define a new appropriation processes of the public space, using a urban process of analysis. This process show us new prospects on the development of this context, and of urban facilities and of public service.


The intervention gives a new urban mark, a new contest where rediscovering useful sceneries and dysfunction places. We don’t forget the “Door” character, a door between Europe and Africa, visible in the urban developing space and in the spaces rest on the port terminal and the bus and train station.


The purpose is to produce an integration of the different parts and the visual back river, converting a central impermeable place (parking, building-plug) into a place with transverse traffic and developing the visual relation up to the port area and the existing urban borders.


Recovering of public places for a public utilization, trough the recovery of places currently occupied by parking of privates vehicles and regulating a program of activities compatibles with a new form of the public use. Finally, the incorporation of the flux of general activities generating by the services provided by the project.


现场项目的干预与道路网以及城市项目已经存在或计划的、靠近现场的重要交通交叉点保持着完美的关系。我们提出了一个花园,其中包括一个建筑综合体,位于现有建筑(解释建筑和旅游信息)的旁边,创造一个穿孔的界限,以保护棕榈树覆盖和覆盖的空间花园。我们建议将占地约300平方米的“德拉米尔”河的解释中心作为拟建项目的主要和独特的实际建筑。最后,公共空间规划为高耐久性花岗岩平台,包括宽阔的休息区和休闲和体育活动区,如散步、滑冰、玩petanca o风筝以及音乐和戏剧展览。整条街道的家具都是专门为这种特定类型的干预而规划和定义的,旨在保持和展示该区域的特色港口性质以及典型的文化大熔炉。
The intervention in the site project is in a perfect relationship with the road network and with the important cross points of transportation already present or planned by the urban project and close to the site. We propose a garden-place that includes a building complex sets next to the buildings already present (interpretation building And touristic information), creating a perforated limit to protect a space-garden covered and uncovered by palms. We suggest a centre of interpretation of the ‘de la miel’ river of about 300 m2 as the main and unique building actually construct of the propose. Finally the public space, planned as a granite platform for the high durability, consists of wide areas to rest and a zones for recreational and sports activities as walking, skating, playing petanca o kite and also for musical and theatrical exhibitions. The whole street furniture has been planned and defined exclusively for this specific type of intervention and aims to keep and show the characteristic port nature of this zone and also the typical culture melting pot.


The intervention surface of about 19500 m2 and 300 m2 built-up. A budget of 4.000.000 euro for the new urbanization, including construction asphalt roads planning, and 810.000 euro for the edification proposed.

Design: Mariñas Arquitectos Asociados
Location: Algeciras / Spain
Project: 2008
Construction: 2010
Client: Municipality of Algeciras
Text & photos: Mariñas AA
Cost: 5.200.000,00 EUR
Benches: Designed by: Arq. José Mariñas, Produced by: AMOP, LDA
