the REAL estate
AL/Arch–Avi Laiser建筑:城市的边缘条件通常会创造被忽视的公共空间,吸引各种各样的人进行临时活动。”“房地产”项目为公共空间提供了一种新的类型学,它考察了城市景观中公共和私人领域之间的边界。该遗址位于地中海城市巴特亚姆,这是以色列人口最密集的城市之一。大多数居民居住在50年代为新移民建造的现代住房项目中。
AL/Arch – Avi Laiser Architecture: Edge conditions in urban cities often create neglected public spaces that attract temporal activities of various kinds for a wide spectrum of people. ”the REAL estate” project offers a new typology for public space that examines the boundaries between public and private domains in the urban landscape. The site is located in the city of Bat-Yam, a Mediterranean city one of the most densely populated in Israel. Most of the residents live in modern housing projects that were built in the fifties for new immigrants.
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© AL/Arch
该项目位于一条宽阔的现代主义住宅街的尽头,这条街道意外地被一堵巨大的混凝土墙终止,这堵墙起着穿越公路的隔音屏障的作用。这种边缘条件导致了一长条被忽视的“垃圾”空间,当地居民将其用于倾倒垃圾、Lag BaHomer(犹太节日)的篝火点、毒品活动、遛狗和其他非法行为。我们希望利用隔离墙和空地地带的现有条件,创建一个不同寻常的公共公园,允许私人/私人人类活动在公共领域存在。
The project is situated at the end of a wide modernist residential street that unexpectedly terminates by a massive concrete wall that functions as an acoustic barrier for a crossing highway. This edge condition is the cause for a long strip of neglected “junk” space which is used by the local residents for dumping trash, bonfire spots for Lag BaHomer (a Jewish holiday), drug activities, walking dogs and other illicit behavior. We wanted to take advantage of the existing conditions of the barrier wall and the vacant land strip to create an unusual public park that allows intimate/private human activities to exist in the public domain.
The project’s main façade to the residential street is a see-through wall with a wooden entry gate to an outdoor room lying between the existing barrier wall and the new wall. Both are at the same height but one is obstructive and the other is inviting. Bold pink neon sign written; “the REAL estate”, suggesting that the real assets of dense urban cities are outdoor public spaces. For the surface of the park, we laid a continuous fabric formed concrete “blanket” that wraps over the existing acoustic barrier wall. The continuous surface starts on a man-made horizontal landscape and changes gradually to a sloped vertical wall.
在这个表面上,我们弯曲了七个镂空的木质壁龛,它们在公共城市景观中充当私密空间。每个生态位都以人体的形式呈现为一个个体、一对或一个群体。该项目由建筑师Avi Laiser和表演艺术家Dana Hirsch Laiser合作完成。Dana与当地社区中心的青少年合作,创造将在现场进行的运动表演。这项工作的重点是探索个人在私人领域的行为,并将其引入公共领域。这些表演创造了一种与已建成项目独特品质的对话,并向游客呈现了自由的本质,让他们感受到在外的家的感觉。
In this surface we curved seven cut-out wood niches that perform as intimate private spaces in the public urban landscape. Each niche takes the form of the human body as a single, couple or a group. The project is collaboration between architect Avi Laiser, and performance artist Dana Hirsch Laiser. Dana has worked with teenagers form the local community center to create movement performances that will happen at the site. The focus of the work was to explore individual human behavior in the private domain and introduce it to the public domain. The performances created a dialogue with the unique qualities of the built project and presented to the visitors the free essence of feeling at home outside.
The project was presented as part of the Bat-Yam international Biennale of landscape urbanism 2008 and received an award at the landscape design category, from the project of the year competition held by Israeli Architecture Quarterly magazine.
Landscape architecture: AL/Arch – Avi Laiser Architecture, Dana Hirsch Laiser
Location: Bat Yam, Israel
Photos, text & video: AL/Arch
MISGERET Theater Company – OFFER community center, Bat Yam, Israel. Lead by Doron Shemesh.