
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-11-6 09:16

A Stop On the Line

Title: A stop on the line
Landscape Architecture: 100Landschaftsarchitektur / Thilo Folkerts in cooperation with studio basta
Location: Kortrijk-Rollegem, Belgium,
Construction: 2012
Copyright photographs, drawings and text: (c) Thilo Folkerts

Ugly Spots

2011年,西佛兰德斯社区间协会Leiedal发起了Lelijke Plekjes(丑陋景点)倡议,以重新验证附属社区的公共空间,并将“该地区最丑陋的景点以创造性的方式转化为视觉绘画”。Rollegem场地被选为设计师长期干预的十个项目场地之一。截至2012年,竞赛评审团建议实施的“线路上的一站”项目是第一个建成的项目。
In 2011 the Westflanders’ intercommunal association Leiedal launched the initiative Lelijke Plekjes (Ugly Spots) to revalidate the public spaces of the affiliated communities and to transform the ‘ugliest spots in the region into visual draws in a creative manner’. The Rollegem site was selected as one of ten project sites for long term designers’ interventions. As of 2012 the project “A Stop on the Line”, recommended for realization by the competition jury, is the first project to have been build.

A Stop On the Line

© Thilo Folkerts

A Stop On the Line

© Thilo Folkerts

A Stop On the Line

© Thilo Folkerts

A Stop On the Line

© Thilo Folkerts

A Stop On the Line

© Thilo Folkerts

A Stop On the Line

© Thilo Folkerts

A Stop On the Line

© Thilo Folkerts

A Stop On the Line

© Thilo Folkerts

A Stop On the Line

© Thilo Folkerts

A Stop On the Line

© Thilo Folkerts

A Stop On the Line

© Thilo Folkerts

A Stop On the Line

© Thilo Folkerts

Lines and Networks

直到几十年前,甚至连佛兰德斯最农村的地区都有一个地区性的火车和有轨电车网络——buurt spoorwegen。在其消亡后,该网络现在正转变为自行车和休闲路径。在新的交通和休闲网络中重复使用的铁路轨道的线性残余物通常缺乏对前一环境的参考。因此,“奇怪”的地方出现了,似乎没有他们的故事。Lelijke-Plekjes倡议为澄清和传达这些遗址的历史背景提供了机会,并为新重新连接的城市和景观的当前成就增添了叙事脉络。
Until a few decades ago even the most rural parts of Flanders were serviced by a regional train and tram network – the buurt spoorwegen. After its demise, the network is now being transformed into bicycle and leisure paths. The linear remnants of the train tracks that are reused in the new transport and leisure network quite often lack references to the former context. As a consequence ‘strange’ places appear that seem to have no story to them. The Lelijke Plekjes initiative gives the opportunity to clarify and communicate the historic background of these sites and to add a narrative vein to the current achievement of newly reconnected municipalities and landscapes.


The area around the Rollegem youth centre was recently upgraded functionally. A new access road to the rear facing parking garages of adjacent houses was constructed, including a sidewalk that connects the zigzagging forms of the garages and garden walls with dark asphalt. Between this access area and the youth centre runs a bicycle and pedestrian path – in the same simple asphalt surface. A number of intermediate green areas are kept as extensive meadows. The situation is characterized one the one hand by the meeting of a clear (linear) layout where the path follows the former tram line and on the other hand by a diffuse and unclear situation where old and former paths meet and run off into many directions. It seems as if the place has lost its story, its plot line. The thread is loose.

The Platform

The project aims to refocus the site along the theme of station; of meeting, coming together, communicating and exchanging. In this, the youth centre has an opportunity to expand its activities toward the outside and to gain a place, platform and screen to communicate to the public. Along the linear structure of the bicycle path, the youth becomes something like a station. Set between the bicycle path and the access road, a new ‘platform’ brings together the two surfaces that before were nonsensically separated by a narrow strip of ruderal vegetation. The paths become a square. More importantly, however, the platform abstractly re-enacts the situation of the former tram stop. Essentially only a simple volume, it becomes a socially functional element in public space. The platform, set at seating height, can be used for sitting or as a stage. Incorporating the existing streetlights and signs, and rearranging the hedges next to the youth centre’s entrance the project simply creates a newly cohesive context from pre-existing elements. After construction of the platform the path has now officially been fitted with street signs reading Tramstatie Pad.

Thilo Folkerts
