
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-11-3 10:24


Luca Peralta Studio: The intervention is part of a project for the “Rehabilitation of historic centers” approved by the Lazio Region which focuses on landscape restoration and promotion of the area between the historic town of Vicovaro and Aniene river valley through a process of revitalization and reuse by the local community as well as casual visitors and tourists.


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio


© Luca Peralta Studio

已实现的项目最近被授予“Premio Paesaggio del Consiglio d’Europa 2012”荣誉称号,因为它可以被视为中世纪意大利村庄周围退化区域设计的典范。边界往往是一个剩余空间,事实上是一个边界,是外围的,没有计划的,因此经常会发生恶化。“城市机器”往往不会赋予边缘以自身的尊严,但人们相信,这些区域作为休闲、创意、冥想、休息、沉默、沉思和反思城市自身记忆和身份的场所,具有巨大的成功潜力。对于小型历史中心来说,这些功能有时很难提出,因为这些中心通常非常密集,物理上和隐喻上都非常紧密,并且没有为当代生活方式的重要功能的扩散提供空间和呼吸。该项目通过将高度退化的边界场地转变为人人都能进入和使用的空间,无疑是恢复这些场地的可持续模式。该项目是通过周围自然景观和人造环境、山谷和维科瓦罗镇周围纪念碑之间的视觉关系来增强地方形象和审美特征的一个例子。
The realized project has been very recently awarded with an Honorable Mention “Premio Paesaggio del Consiglio d’Europa 2012” because it can be considered a model for the design of degraded areas located around medieval Italian villages. The border is too often a leftover space and is, in fact a border, peripheral and unplanned, and for that reason often subject to episodes of deterioration. The “urban machine” too often doesn’t give the edge its own dignity but however it is believed that these areas have great potential for success as places of leisure, creativity, meditation, rest, silence, contemplation and reflection on a town’s own memory and identity. These functions are sometimes difficult to propose for small historical centers which are often very dense, physically and metaphorically, and do not give space and breathe to the proliferation of vital functions for a contemporary lifestyle. The project is certainly a sustainable model for the restoration of highly degraded border sites by converting them into spaces that are accessible to and usable by everyone. The project is an example of enhancing the image and aesthetic character of a place’s identity, implemented through visual relationships between the surrounding natural landscape and man-made environment, with the valley and the surrounding monuments of the town of Vicovaro.

The architecture of the new walkway and public space, through the use of sustainable materials and techniques, is bound to the landscape in a unique and harmonious way. Each design element acts as a natural extension of the ground slope, never interposing as an element of closure between the two types of landscape, one more urban and the other more natural, but becoming an harmonic and non-invasive seam. This link between built and natural is very evident in the project. The terraces, with stone paving and flower beds, are designed to follow the existing slope and topography as much as possible. The new walls use the same materials, form, size and texture as the existing traditional stone walls. Pathways are realized with permeable pavements laid on a bed of sand. The handrails, protecting from height changes, consist of stainless steel cables, creating an intentional effect of transparency and openness to the landscape below.

该项目规定恢复现有的石材挡土墙,并用加筋土(如“terra mesh”)建造新的生态挡土墙。加筋土中的工程是挡土构件和路堤,通过存在抵抗牵引的钢筋网,可改变其插入的回填土的内部特征。这种系统的巨大灵活性使其即使在不稳定的地面上也能使用,因为它能够毫不妥协地适应不均匀沉降。除了施工方便、速度快、景观兼容性和可持续材料的使用外,该系统还是钢筋混凝土挡土墙的绝佳替代品,因为它促进了土壤、人行道和雨水的自然排水系统。即使是路面也有助于排水,因为它使用了不同尺寸的块体,这些块体排列在水平带中,并铺设在没有固定接缝的砂基上。
The project provided for the restoration of the existing stone retaining wall and the construction of new ecological retaining walls with reinforced soil (such as “terra mesh”). The works in reinforced soil are retaining elements and embankments that, through the presence of a reinforcement mesh resistant to traction, change the internal characteristics of the backfill in which they are inserted. The great flexibility of such a system allows for its use even on unstable ground, since it is able to adapt to differential settlements without compromise . In addition to ease and speed of execution, landscape compatibility and use of sustainable materials, this system is an excellent alternative to reinforced concrete retaining walls because it promotes a natural drainage system of the soil and walkways, and of rainwater. Even the pavement contributes to such drainage with its use of different sized blocks arranged in horizontal bands and laid on a sand base without fixed joints.

The lighting system is properly designed and calibrated to enhance existing elements and allow the use of the site in the evenings. Elements include recessed floor lighting along the main route, street lamps in proximity of parking areas and recreation, and recessed spotlights focused both on picturesque corners where shrubs and trees are planted and along stair treads. All lighting fixtures incorporate LED “warm white” lights which, in addition to creating a warm and cozy atmosphere, allow for significant energy savings. (Luca Peralta 2012)

Authors: arch. Alessandra Centroni and Luca Peralta Studio
Collaborators: M.M.Colletta, J.Atoche, R.Fellenbaum, S.Wright
Consultants: Hydroingea, Raffaella Sini
Site Supervisors: Alessandra Centroni and Luca Peralta
Image Credits: Luca Peralta Studio
Design: 2008 – 2009
Construction: September – December 2009

KNOTTING the hill town and its landscape, Vicovaro, Rome, Italy
Honorable Mention “Premio Paesaggio del Consiglio d’Europa 2012”
