
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-11-1 08:09

Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives

XSiTE设计工作室:Buddhadasa Indapanno档案馆或通常被称为“Suan Mokkh曼谷或BIA”。它是献给尊敬的僧侣比丘佛(1906年5月27日至1993年5月25日)的遗产。他是20世纪泰国有影响力的禁欲主义哲学家,也是泰国南部苏拉塔尼省Suan Mokkh Chaiya的创始人。BIA是一个佛法学习和教育娱乐中心,帮助人们实现涅盘。该中心还收集、维护和建立一个数据库,用于收集比丘佛陀的原始著作。BIA还拥有适合冥想、讲座、讨论、展览等的设施,以成为相互理解的中心。该地点位于Suan Wachira Benchathat公园的最北端,毗邻一个大池塘。
XSiTE Design Studio: Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives or often called “Suan Mokkh Bangkok or BIA”. It is dedicated to the heritage of the venerable monk, Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, (May 27, 1906 – May 25, 1993). Whom is an influential ascetic-philosopher of the 20th century in Thailand and the founder of Suan Mokkh Chaiya in Surathani province southern of Thailand. BIA is a Dharma learning and edutainment center to help people attain Nirvana. This center also collects, maintains and sets up a database for original written works by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu. BIA also hosts facilities suitable for meditation, lectures, discussion, exhibitions etc. in order to be a hub for mutual understanding. The site is at the far northern end of Suan Wachira Benchathat Park adjacent to a large pond.

Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Design Concept and Approaches

The purpose of place and heritage of Suan Mokkh Chaiya, is formed the design concept. While Dharma, the teaching of the Buddha, is the key design inspiration.
Modern Zen Landscape is used for implement the concept. Most of material used are natural material such as pebbles, stones, grasses that combined with raw rustic surfaces of material such as iron, rusted iron, bare concrete and wooden. All design elements is composed neatly and differently in each area that depend on its order of approaching and functionality to convey the deep meaning of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu’s Buddhism teaching.

Arrival and parking zone

This is multipurpose and staff parking area. It is the first area that connects between in and out of the site. Since it is the most public area and locates at the farthest corner from the main building that contain a lot of knowledge to obtain Nirvana.
So we named it “ Ignorance court ” that likes most people that know nothing when their first visit BIA. Hence the rustic hardscape, likes bare concrete and earth coloured concrete floor together with rusted iron sheet, and wildwoods plant or weeds are used to convey human’s inexperienced of Dharma.

Jungle court

This zone is a northern greenbelt of the site next to the library in the main building. The big trees are grown randomly like in the jungle in order to create privacy and shading. All floor covers with grass lawn that decorated with smooth polished sphere rock sculptures. That implies more polished human minded with Dharma along the way to the main archives building.

Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Larn Hin Kong court

这座多用途的庭院用于佛法展示和特殊的佛教仪式。它的灵感来源于苏拉特哈尼省Suan Mokkh Chaiya的原始宫廷。主要特征是曲线墙。观世音菩萨雕像位于墙的中心,周围是佛教故事的低浮雕石雕。Sal树(Shorea Robusta Roxb)是提醒佛陀在Sal丛林中开悟时刻的背景。空间被视为禅宗花园风格,五岛五种香树,鹅卵石地板,象征佛法。关于比丘佛陀的通知,佛法总是包含五个元素。
This multipurpose court is used for Dharma presentation and special Buddhism ceremony. It is inspired from the original court at Suan Mokkh Chaiya in Suratthani province. Key feature is a curve wall. The Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva statues is at center of the wall and surrounding with Buddhism story low relief stone carvings. The Sal trees (Shorea Robusta Roxb) are background to remind the enlighten moment of Buddha in the Sal jungle. The space is treated as Zen garden style with 5 islands of 5 type of scent tree with pebbles floor in order to symbolize Dharma. Regarding to Buddhadasa Bhikkhu’s notification that Dharma always contains with 5 elements.

Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Suan Mokkh court

这个庭院是主楼二楼的屋顶花园,用于佛法小组讨论和正念练习的来回行走。因此,许多佛法被隐藏在景观元素中,作为在荫凉的禅园下进行正念冥想的工具。鹅卵石仍然与草一起用于连接拉恩欣岗苑。在这个花园里有8棵莫克树(Holarrhena puspescens),代表着“高贵的八倍之路”,通往苦难的尽头。还有12种不同的天然岩石位于圆石岛的中心,代表着“独立起源的法则”(帕提卡-萨姆帕达)。
This court is a roof garden on the 2nd floor of main building, used for Dharma small discussion group and the back and forth walking for mindfulness practice. So a lot of Dharma are hidden in landscape elements as a tool for mindfulness meditation under shady zen garden. Pebbles are still used together with grass to link with Larn Hin Kong court. There are 8 Mokkh trees (Holarrhena pubescens) in this garden represented “the Noble Eightfold Path” ,the way to the end of suffering. And also there are 12 different natural rocks place on pebbles island at the center that represent “the Law of Dependent Origination “ (Paticca- samuppada).

Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives


Suan Puud court

它位于Suan Wachira Benchathat公园,大池塘的另一边,曾经是国家铁路员工专用的私人高尔夫球场。现在把土地交给了BIA,作为一个冥想公园。该设计试图保留场地内的所有原始树木,然后改善土壤条件,并将灌溉转化为适合新功能的适当条件。地面上的三条干净的圆形混凝土线条被用来创造新的空间,象征着佛教的“三性”教学。这仍然与低浮雕石雕的Larn Hin Kong有关。当游客从树梢望向场地的远端边缘时,他们会注意到5根无边的混凝土柱子,提醒他们5条戒律,即佛教的基本道德准则。
It locates in Suan Wachira Benchathat Park another side the large pond that was once a private golf course for the exclusive use of State Railway employees. Now is turned the land over to the BIA for a meditation park. The design attempts to preserve all original trees in the site and then improve the soil condition and irrigation into proper condition for new function. The 3 clean circle concrete lines on earth floor are used to create new space and symbolize ”the Three Characteristics” teaching in Buddhism. That still has the linkage with Larn Hin Kong with low relief stone carvings. While looking across the treetop to the far edge of site, visitors would notice 5 edgeless concrete poles that remind them the 5 precepts, the basic Buddhist code of ethics.

Name of Project: Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives (Suan Mokkh Bangkok-BIA)
Landscape Architect: XSiTE Design Studio
Project Team: Director – Thottanet Luekijna
Client: Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives foundation
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Use: Dharma learning and edutainment center
Site Area: 5,900 sq. m
Design Year: 2009
Completion year: 2010
