
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-10-29 20:24

Bunker 599

In a radical way this intervention sheds new light on the Dutch policy on cultural heritage. At the same time, it makes people look at their surroundings in a new way. The project lays bare two secrets of the New Dutch Waterline (NDW), a military line of defence in use from 1815 until 1940 protecting the cities of Muiden, Utrecht, Vreeswijk and Gorinchem by means of intentional flooding.

一个看似坚不可摧、地位不朽的地堡被劈开了。因此,该设计打开了NDW 700个掩体中的一个,其内部通常完全与视野隔绝。此外,一条长长的木板路穿过这座极其沉重的建筑。它将游客带到洪水泛滥的地区和邻近自然保护区的人行道上。桥墩和支撑桥墩的桩提醒他们,桥墩周围的水不是由沙子清除引起的,而是战争时期洪水泛滥的浅水平原。
A seemingly indestructible bunker with monumental status is sliced open. The design thereby opens up the minuscule interior of one of NDW’s 700 bunkers, the insides of which are normally cut off from view completely. In addition, a long wooden boardwalk cuts through the extremely heavy construction. It leads visitors to a flooded area and to the footpaths of the adjacent natural reserve. The pier and the piles supporting it remind them that the water surrounding them is not caused by e.g. the removal of sand but rather is a shallow water plain characteristic of the inundations in times of war.

Bunker 599


Bunker 599


Bunker 599


Bunker 599


Bunker 599


Bunker 599


Bunker 599


Bunker 599


这座被分割的地堡对新德里西部的游客形成了一个公共的吸引力。此外,从A2高速公路可以看到它,因此每天数万名路人也可以看到它。该项目是RAAAF | Artiler de Lyon整体战略的一部分,旨在使荷兰历史的这一独特部分能够为各种各样的游客所接触和接触。自相矛盾的是,在干预之后,599号碉堡成为了荷兰的国家纪念碑。
The sliced up bunker forms a publicly accessible attraction for visitors of the NDW. It is moreover visible from the A2 highway and can thus also be seen by tens of thousands of passers-by each day. The project is part of the overall strategy of RAAAF | Atelier de Lyon to make this unique part of Dutch history accessible and tangible for a wide variety of visitors. Paradoxically, after the intervention Bunker 599 became a Dutch national monument.

Client: Municipality Culemborg | DLG (The Dutch Service for Land and Water Management)
Design: RAAAF | Atelier de Lyon
Movie: Roberto Rizzo
Location: Diefdijk 5 – Highway A2
Status: completion 2010
Awards: Dutch Design Award 2011, Architectural Review Award 2013
Video: Roberto Rizzo
