
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-10-27 19:50

East Bayfront Water’s Edge Promenade

2006年,West 8+DTAH赢得了中央滨水创新设计大赛,其任务是将多伦多滨水改造成世界级的目的地,庆祝加拿大的湖滨体验。作为首席顾问,West 8+DTAH负责协调分包顾问、设计开发、,施工图和合同管理。该项目的独特之处在于高品质、定制设计的铺路、家具和植树细节,所有这些都以加拿大的西康枫叶为灵感。West 8+DTAH与现场承包商密切合作,在路面模型和长凳和灯具制造方面进行合作。广泛的地下工程,包括土壤细胞、被动灌溉和根系曝气技术,也与公用设施沟槽和码头墙加固相结合。
In 2006WEST 8 + DTAHwon the Central Waterfront Innovation Design Competition with a mandate to transform Toronto’s waterfront into a world-class destination celebrating the Canadian lakefront experience.As lead consultants, West 8 + DTAH were responsible for the co-ordination of sub-consultants, design development, working drawings and contract administration. Unique to the project are the high quality, custom designed paving, furniture and tree planting details all inspired by the Canada’siconic maple leaf. West 8 + DTAH worked closely with the contractors on site, collaborating on pavement mock-ups and fabrication of benches and lights. Extensive underground work, including soil cells, passive irrigation, and root aeration technology were also installed in combination with utility trenches and dock wall reinforcement.

East Bayfront Water’s Edge Promenade

© Chris Hillier

East Bayfront Water’s Edge Promenade

© Waterfront Toronto

East Bayfront Water’s Edge Promenade

© Chris Hillier

East Bayfront Water’s Edge Promenade

© West 8

East Bayfront Water’s Edge Promenade

© Waterfront Toronto

East Bayfront Water’s Edge Promenade

© West 8

East Bayfront Water’s Edge Promenade

© West 8

East Bayfront Water’s Edge Promenade

© West 8

长廊的第一期是一个不断发展的滨水网络的一部分,长925米,宽9.4米,由花岗岩铺路机拼图、双排枫树和一系列定制家具组成。另外一个9m宽的混凝土摊铺机步行区平行于海滨长廊,在附近建筑物和湖泊之间创造了总共18.4m的公共空间。乔治·布朗学院(George Brown College)的天井座位从步行区溢出,商业活动正在向长廊过渡。
The first phase of the promenade ispart of a growing waterfront network, 925m long and 9.4m wide, it consists of a mosaic of granite pavers with a double row of Maple trees and a family of custom designed furniture. An additional 9m wide pedestrian zone of concrete unit pavers runs parallel to the promenade, creating a total of 18.4m of public space between nearby buildings and the Lake. Patio seating spills across the pedestrian zone from George Brown College with commercial activity transitioning onto the promenade.

Today, the East Bayfront Water’s Edge Promenadeis an active civic space and asuccessful precedent project for future development along Toronto’s waterfront. Flanked by two parks, the promenade is a pedestrian and cyclingroute, and a year-round venue for a variety of public events. The promenade design is an elegant interpretation of a Canadian themed public space at the water’s edge.

Landscape Architect: WEST 8 + DTAH
Location: Toronto, Canada
Client: Waterfront Toronto
Design & Realization: 2006–present
Project Team: The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd., Halsall Associates Ltd., A.W. Hooker Associates Ltd., Wardrop Engineering Ltd., Smart Watering Systems, and Urban Trees + Soils
Award: CSLA Awards of Excellence
