Ribe Cathedral Square
舍内尔:里贝大教堂是丹麦最古老的城镇中最古老的大教堂,大教堂前的广场是一个非常独特的空间。Schonherr以干净有力的新外观提案赢得了Ribe Cathedral广场重新时尚化的竞争。里贝的历史城镇中心以大教堂为纪念性中点,是丹麦保存最完好的文化历史环境之一。里贝大教堂位于广场的低处,是对时间和人的持续叙述。
Schonherr: Ribe Cathedral is Denmark’s oldest cathedral in Denmark’s oldest town, and the square in front of the cathedral is a very unique space. Schonherr has won the competition for a re-fashioning of Ribe Cathedral Square with a clean and strong proposal for a new look. The historical town centre in Ribe, with the cathedral as a monumental midpoint, is among Denmark’s best preserved cultural-historical environments. Ribe Cathedral’s location, low in the square, is an ongoing narrative of time and people.
© Schonherr
© Schonherr
© Schonherr
© Schonherr
© Schonherr
© Schonherr
© Jens Markus Lindhe
© Jens Markus Lindhe
© Jens Markus Lindhe
© Jens Markus Lindhe
© Jens Markus Lindhe
© Jens Markus Lindhe
The competition entry communicates and utilizes the cultural layers of history in a way that enables the church and the town to be experienced as a coherent unity. The project’s grasp makes the space immediately available and accessible – shaped as one cohesive plateau. The base of the church becomes visible already before entering the space of the actual square, and thus the church will appear as standing in a square, rather than in a hollow. The surface of the square stretches from façade to façade and provides the space with a unique historical identity. The working of the terrain and the sheer scale of the surface illustrate the historical and present connection between church and town.
By placing trees on elevated plinths that simultaneously function as seating possibilities, the daily traffic is lead across the square while the square’s unity is not compromised. Ribe Cathedral Square is the town’s square and this is where people meet in everyday as well as more festive scenarios. The artistic presentation of the square complies with every kind of experience and event – from bake sales and vegetable markets to tulip day, festival plays, and street theatre.
Landscape Architecture: Schonherr
Client: The municipality of Esbjerg
Engineer: Ramboll A/S
Lighting Consultants: AA F Hansen & Henneberg
Design: 2010
Completed: 2012
Area: 7300 squaremetres
Budget: 40 mill. DKK (approx. 5,63 mill. EUR)