
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-10-18 15:25

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Pablo Gallego Picard:为了恢复Goian河滩——部分被公路占用,但非常受欢迎——并重新激活最近修复的San Lourenço要塞的废弃周边环境——视觉和物理上与河滩隔绝,部分被废弃,我们受命对一些设施进行重组,使未来公园在唯一可能的区域具有意义:一个中间山坡,陡坡永久朝南,完全被几个采石场和非法设施破坏。
Pablo Gallego Picard: In order to restore the river beach of Goian -partially taken up by a roadway but very popular- and to reactivate the abandoned surrounding environment of the recently restored Fortress of San Lourenço -visually and physically secluded from the river beach and partially abandoned-, we are commissioned to reorganize a number of facilities that will give meaning to a future park in the only possible area: an intermediate hillside with steep slopes permanently facing south and totally disfigured by several quarries and illegal facilities.

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

Fortress and Banks of Goián

Fortress and Banks of Goián

© Pablo Gallego Picard

With the legal limitations of a multiple zoning policy challenge, such as: national cultural heritage, natura 2000 network, coastal laws, accessibility act; which prohibit the use of stone and trees that could hide or mimic the fortress. And relying on a tight budget and deadline, which makes impossible to face costly geological land repairs. We propose to take advantage of the existing topography to accommodate, by way of a plinth, the different space containers for the future park facilities -toilets, lifeguard and interpretation centre.

The collaboration of a specialized road building company forces to resolve the whole architecture with the only gesture of a continuous concrete retaining wall that -with no known urban scale- is at the same time: a beam, bench, barrier, terracing, step, kerb, or platform. The extension of the defensive geometry allows the physical and visual connection of both spaces at the same time that resolves a new path to the town. The lack of shadow compels to extend the platforms to create different places of encounter. The biggest quarry offers a shaded large space around a forest of pillars that hosts, while hiding, a new central cafeteria.

Understanding the rural heritage space, as more than simply a place to preserve, and whatever existing topography as part of an inescapable memory. Coupled with the belief that all public space is generated through use. We propose the conversion of two areas of different times and occupation in one new urban space.

Architecture, Landscape Architecture: Pablo Gallego Picard
Location: 36750 Goián, Pontevedra, Spain
Completed: 2012
Area: 7610.0 sqm
Photographs: Pablo Gallego Picard
