Umfassungweg, Twickel
迈克尔·范·格塞尔:1890年左右,景观设计师爱德华德·佩佐尔德(Eduard Petzold)为“乌姆法桑斯韦”或环形道路制定了一份计划。从字面上看,这是一条将“包围”(乌姆法森)庄园核心的道路。这将允许男爵游览他的土地,并提供一种欣赏各种景观的迷人方式。然而,由于佩佐尔德的死亡,这条路线的一个重要部分从未完工。此外,大约40年前,穿过阿泽勒明(Azelermeen)的一段河流河谷景观对公众关闭。
Michael van Gessel: Around 1890 landscape architect Eduard Petzold drew up a plan for the ‘Umfassungsweg’ or ring road. This was literally a road that would ‘enclose’ (umfassen) the core of the estate. This would allow the baron to take a tour of his lands and provide an attractive way of admiring the various landscapes. Because of Petzold’s death, however, a significant section of the route was never completed. Moreover, the section through the Azelermeen, a stream valley landscape, was closed to the public about 40 years ago.
© Emilio Troncoso Larrain
© Emilio Troncoso Larrain
© Emilio Troncoso Larrain
© Emilio Troncoso Larrain
© Emilio Troncoso Larrain
© Michael van Gessel
© Michael van Gessel
© Michael van Gessel
© Michael van Gessel
The aim of the project is to breathe new life into the Umfassungsweg as a phenomenon of cultural history and as part of the Twickel landscape park by completing as well as reopening the circuit. This may also help to reduce the concentration of recreation on the centre of the park, Castle Twickel, by spreading recreational activities somewhat.
The missing sections of the Umfassungsweg route have been drawn to ‘visit’ all the interesting landscapes of Twickel: the Deldeneresch, the small one-man fields, the woods in the stream valley and on the former wastelands, the stream valley landscape and the Koematenveld nature area, taking into account the interests of the tenant farmers/land occupants, nature and the privacy of residents. In the future, when the provincial road will have better bridge crossings, the Umfassungsweg will also run to the train station and the town of Delden. The bridge at the height of the main avenue has recently been installed.
The route includes a new bridge, the Krudopbrug over the Twickelervaart, a plank trail suspended above the marshes of the Koematenveld in order to protect the fragile vegetation, and a submersible path across the Azelerbeek stream. At a few strategic points a wooden resting element has been added. To promote recognizability, there is a certain unity of materials, as many stabilized sand paths as possible and crossings with other roads feature simple marking posts labelled ‘UW’.
景观设计师:Michael van Gessel
地点:荷兰Ambt Delden Twickel,Twickelerlaan
照片:Emilio Troncoso Larrain
Landscape Architect: Michael van Gessel
Location: Twickel, Twickelerlaan, Ambt Delden, The Netherlands
Commissioned by: Twickel Foundation
Area: total length of 9 km
Period of design: 2009
Implementation period: 2011-2014
Photograph: Emilio Troncoso Larrain
More about the Twickel Estate on Landezine