Havenplein Zierikzee
局B+B stedebouw en LandschapsArchitecturuur:位于泽兰广阔的开阔景观中,奥斯特谢尔德是齐里克泽紧凑的市中心。“旧防御工事的内部和外部”之间的空间对比非常有特色。Zierikzee的航海特征在中心仍然很明显,与水的关系也很密切,部分原因是潮汐的明显涨落。这座小城的宏伟、装饰华丽的房屋归功于海上贸易的历史。在渔村,人们有时可以冷静地表达自己的想法,齐里克泽似乎拥有丰富的美化文化。这些空间特性促使人们探索和发现这座城市及其街道。夏天有很多一日游者,旅游季节越来越长,酒店业变得越来越重要。因此,Schouwen Duiveland市政府决定改善中心内公共空间的质量。B+B局已被要求为整个中心制定一个愿景,并翻新为数不多的剩余开放空间之一,哈文佩因。
Bureau B+B stedebouw en landschapsarchitectuur: Located in the vast open landscape of Zeeland and the Oosterschelde is the compact city centre of Zierikzee. The spatial contrast between ‘inside and outside the old fortifications’ is very characteristic. The nautical character of Zierikzee is still conspicuous in the centre and the relationship with water is strong, partly due to the visible ebb and flow of the tides. The small city owes its monumental, richly decorated houses to a history of sea trade. Where fishing villages can sometimes be sober in their expression, Zierikzee seems to possess a rich culture of beautification. These spatial qualities invite exploration and discovery of the city and its streets. In the summer there are many day-trippers, the tourist season is getting longer and the hospitality industry ever more important. For this reason, the Municipality of Schouwen Duiveland decided to improve the quality of public space within the centre. Bureau B+B has been asked to draw up a vision for the whole centre and to renovate one of the few remaining open spaces, the Havenplein.
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© Bureau B+B
© Bureau B+B
© Bureau B+B
© Bureau B+B
© Bureau B+B
© Bureau B+B
© Bureau B+B
© Bureau B+B
The connection between the inner city and Oosterschelde is formed by the linked spaces of the Havenplein, Havenpark and The Oude Haven; together they originally formed one harbour basin. They continue to forge a loose spatial unity. This unity is apparent but is enhanced through the design. To strengthen this unity the perimeters of the Oude Haven, the plein and the park are lined with the same mix of brick. This mix has a rich diversity of nuanced brick colours which were especially designed for Zierikzee. The overlap of the three spaces are spatially and functionally connected so that the views between each space remain free of obstruction. By doing so, it will soon be possible to walk easily across the square and through the park to the old port.
The Havenplein is a space that both within and around hosts many different functions. Among other things shops, outdoor cafés, the weekly market and the horse market. A space that is very varied in use. By transforming the car park to an open flexible space, the user value of the square has been raised considerably. There is now space for terraces. The richness of the decorated facades is emphasized by the subtle and restrained use of materials within the project. The private pavements associated with each individual facade, once lost, have been reintroduced. Old cobblestones from elsewhere in the city have been reused in the square. The square has become more easily negotiable through this new cut surface. A pronounced decorative paving pattern with a design language inspired by the progress of the channels of the Oosterschelde, enriches the plaza floor. Street furniture is also enriched with the use of filigree techniques that can be found in traditional Zeeuwse buttons or broaches.
Name: Havenplein Zierikzee
Location: Zierikzee, The Netherlands
Landscape: Bureau B+B stedebouw en landschapsarchitectuur
Design: 2011
Completion: 2012
Photography: Frank Hanswijk
Client: Municipality Zierikzee
Cost: 1.210.000€
Area: 7.280 m2