
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-10-16 08:36

Champ de Bière

V-OLZ:为了满足有限领土上对经济适用住房的需求,日内瓦州计划对其仍处于农业边缘的地区进行加密,并对在这种复杂条件下保护农业提出质疑。在这种背景下,电影节“Ville et Champs”考察了城市和农村之间的同居关系。
V-OLZ: To respond to the need of affordable housing on its limited territory, the Canton of Geneva plans a densification of its still agricultural fringes and questions the preservation of agriculture in this intricate condition. In this context the festival ‘Ville et Champs’ examines the cohabitation between city and countryside.

Champ de Bière

Champ de Bière


Champ de Bière

Champ de Bière


Champ de Bière

Champ de Bière


Champ de Bière

Champ de Bière


Champ de Bière

Champ de Bière


Champ de Bière

Champ de Bière


Champ de Bière

Champ de Bière


Champ de Bière

Champ de Bière


Champ de Bière

Champ de Bière


Champ de Bière

Champ de Bière


Champ de Bière

Champ de Bière


装置“Champ de bière”将一种常见的消费品置于其中心:啤酒,一种促进欢乐和社会交流的饮料。项目现场位于Confignon附近,位于Genevese城市扩展和城市农业带的十字路口。”Champ de bière’揭示了与这种高消费产品的生产过程相关的景观,适合节日的举办。从生产到消费,这些景观相互嵌套。节日行程路线横穿田野,为游客提供种植和生产过程的横截面视图。场地中央有一家小型啤酒厂舒适地坐落在草地上,草地由啤酒花庭院结构构成,啤酒花庭院由大麦田包围,大麦田位于城市和农村之间的耕地区域。
The installation ‘Champ de bière’ places a common consumer good in its centre: beer, a beverage promoting conviviality and social exchanges. The project site is located near Confignon, at the crossroads of the urban expansion of the Genevese conurbations and the city’s agricultural belt. ‘Champ de bière’ reveals the landscapes associated with the production process of this highly consumed product, appropriate to the staging of a festival. From production to consumption, these landscapes are nested one inside the other. The festivals itinerary route traverses the field providing visitors with a cross sectional view of the cultivation and production process. Central to the site a micro-brewery sits comfortably in a meadow, the meadow is framed by the hop yard structure, the hopyard encompassed by the field of barley, the barley field, one in a cultivated territory, between city and countryside.

Re-interpretation and Re-use

The project takes up the language and elements of agricultural installations. The hop yard structure traditionally consists of wooden poles and steel cables but is set up on a square grid. The micro-brewery is build out of only two different timber profiles and covered with corrugated iron.

该计划的核心是ABAG“Les Brasseurs Artisans de Genève”协会的创建。这批当地酿酒商通过“champ de bière”计划聚集在一起,并将在节日结束后继续团结、支持和促进该地区的本地酿酒。ABAG啤酒厂在整个夏季为微型啤酒厂注入了活力,品尝、分享他们的知识,并在现场试验他们自己的配方和酿造技术。
Central to the program is the creation of the association ABAG ‘Les Brasseurs Artisans de Genève’. This collective of local brewers have been brought together through the ‘champ de bière’ program and will continue to unite, support and promote locale brewing in the region after the conclusion of the festival. The ABAG brewers animated the micro brewery throughout the summer season, tasting, sharing their knowledge and experimenting their own personal recipes and brewing techniques on site.


After 30 varieties of beer brewed on site and great popular success, this experience opened project perspectives to create attractive spaces on the agricultural fringes, based on the essence of the place rather than a transpositin of a type associated with urban core areas.

维尔将军;冠军:2013年文化与景观节获奖作品-2014年实现合同授权:广州市城市化办公室/乡村文化协会设计:V-OLZ(Boris Vapné,Robert Helmholz)-建筑师城市学家,Etienne Haller,Elinor Scarth-景观设计师,Simon Boudvin–艺术家,
协助:Mathias Moonca、Seul gi Lee、Mar Armengol、Alienor Heil Selimanovski
Genève Ville & Champs: Cultural and landscape festival
Winning entry 2013 – realisation 2014
Contracting authority: l’Office d’urbanisme du canton de Genève / l’Association « Genève, Villes en culture(s)
Design: V-OLZ (Boris Vapné, Robert Helmholz) – Architects Urbanists, Etienne Haller, Elinor Scarth – Landscape architects, Simon Boudvin – Artist,
With the help of: Mathias Moonca, Seul-gi Lee, Mar Armengol, Alienor Heil Selimanovski
Site: 1,8 ha
Location: Confignon, Geneva, CH
