
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-10-13 09:00

The Sports Park

The Überseepark, a naturally designed landscape park with sports facilities, is located within the development structure of the Überseestadt, which is characterised by residential and administration buildings, as well as existing, older, port industry buildings. The Überseepark stretches from the Weserdeich to the timber port buildings and is characterised by its topographical design, in which the sports and games facilities are embedded, with two small playing fields of green artificial grass and a playground.

In the north-east of the park, enclosed by gently inclining paths, is a skateboard facility, which is divided into a street and bowl facility. The street facility, used by skateboard and GMX riders, flows seamlessly into the bowl facility, a modulated “Noguchi landscape made of concrete”. At its head there is a step that serves as seating and allows for a wonderful view across the entire park. The strong, bastion-like edge of the park is characterised by a pine grove. This pine tree cultivation is supplemented in the south by rowan trees, birch trees and common oaks and further south by a loose spread of blossoming trees. Here, the pine trees have been completely replaced by broad-leafed trees and shrubs, which define the plant scenario in the direction of the Weser River and the Überseepromenade.

The Sports Park

The Sports Park

© Frank Heinrich Mueller

The Sports Park

The Sports Park

© Frank Heinrich Mueller

The Sports Park

The Sports Park

© Frank Heinrich Mueller

The Sports Park

The Sports Park

© Frank Heinrich Mueller

The Sports Park

The Sports Park

© Frank Heinrich Mueller

The Sports Park

The Sports Park

© Frank Heinrich Mueller

The Sports Park

The Sports Park

© WES LandscapeArchitecture

客户:SondervermögenÜberseestadt c/o WFB Wirtschaftsförderung不来梅股份有限公司
照片:Frank Heinrich Mueller
Landscape Architecture: WES LandscapeArchitecture
Client: Sondervermögen Überseestadt c/o WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH
Project period: 2010 – 2014
Size: 19.400 m²
Location: Bremen / Germany
Award: 1. Prize Competition 2010
Realisation: WES LandscapeArchitecture
Partner: Street conception: DSGN concepts UG, Bowl conception: Studio L2 – Architektur
Photos: Frank Heinrich Mueller
