
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-10-12 14:25

Governors Island Phase 1

加弗纳斯岛提供了一个远离纽约市的世界,纽约港的一个非凡的有利位置,它的标志,珍贵的历史景观,还有机会体验被水包围的绿岛的声音和气味。加弗纳斯岛新公园和公共空间项目的第一阶段于2014年5月向公众开放。从2006年国际设计竞赛获奖作品和2010年公园和公共空间总体规划发展而来,第一阶段在全岛创造了30英亩的新公园和公共空间,并为历史悠久的北岛增添了重要的游客设施。第一阶段包括利格特露台、吊床林、游乐草坪、红色花园和北岛的历史区域;索瓦松登陆、阅兵场和南炮台。除了花园、林地和自行车道外,West 8还开发了定制照明、座椅和标志,加强了岛上新公共空间之间的连接。岛上的游客将享受各种新的开放空间体验,包括:能够与朋友一起在定制吊床上荡秋千,在新的缓坡绿地上野餐,骑自行车在蜿蜒的小路上漫步,在崭新的球场上打垒球,捕捉自由女神像的优美景色。
Governors Island offers a world apart from New York City, an extraordinary vantage point on New York Harbor, its icons, treasured historic landscape, and the chance to experience the sounds and smells of a green island surrounded by water. The first phase of Governors Island’s new park and public space project was opened to the public in May 2014. Developed from the 2006 international design competition winning entry, and the 2010 Park and Public Spaces Masterplan, Phase 1 creates 30 acres of new park and public space throughout the island and adds key visitor amenities to the historic North Island. Phase 1 encompasses Liggett Terrace, Hammock Grove, the Play Lawns, the Red Garden, and historic areas on the North Island; Soissons Landing, the Parade Ground, and South Battery. In addition to gardens, woodlands, and bikeways, West 8 has developed custom lighting, seating and signage that enhances the connection between the new public spaces stretching across the island. Visitors to the island will be treated to a variety of new open spaces experiences including: the ability to swing with their friends on clusters of custom hammocks, have a picnic lunch on new gently sloping greens, ride bikes around gently meandering pathways, and play softball on brand new fields capturing exquisite views of the Statue of Liberty.

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Jim Navarro

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© West8

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© West8

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island Phase 1

Governors Island Phase 1

© Jeff Chien – Hsing Liao

纽约市承诺投资超过2.5亿美元重新设计和升级加弗纳斯岛公园、公共空间和基础设施,作为2012年5月开始的多阶段项目的一部分。该岛于2005年对8000名游客重新开放,此后关闭了15年,促进了纽约人对该岛的重新发现。2013年,该岛接待了399000多名游客。现在是一个热门的季节性目的地——加弗纳斯岛,是公共空间的缩影,每周7天开放,可以乘坐渡轮到达(往返票价为2美元)。它已经成为一个主要的节日和活动场所,一个周末目的地(85%的游客居住在5个行政区)和纽约地区的旅游胜地。对于西8号来说,将这个废弃的军事基地和独特的、被风吹得满目疮痍的岛屿改造成一个田园诗般的目的地——水中的绿花椰菜,是一次令人难以置信的收获之旅。“我们设计这个公园是为了利用加弗纳斯岛令人惊叹的资产。看到人们喜欢这个公园并把它变成自己的公园,我们再高兴不过了,”纽约西8大学校长杰米·马斯林·拉森(Jamie Maslyn Larson)说。
The City of New York committed to investing over $250 million in the redesign and upgrade of Governors Island’s park and public spaces and infrastructure as part of a multi‐phase project begun in May of 2012. Closed for 15 years the reopening of the Island in 2005 to 8000 visitors, catalyzed the rediscovery of the Island by the people of New York, in 2013 it welcomed more than 399,000 visitors. Now a hot seasonal destination Governors Island, the epitome of public space, open 7 days a week and accessible by ferry (for the price of a $2 round trip). It has emerged as a major festival and event space, a weekend destination (85% of visitors live in the 5 boroughs) and a tourist draw within the New York region. For West 8, the transformation of this abandoned military base and unique, windblown island into an idyllic destination, a green broccoli in the water, has constituted an incredibly rewarding journey. “We designed the park to take advantage of Governors Island’s amazing assets. We couldn’t be happier to see people enjoying the park and making it their own”, says West 8 New York’s Principal, Jamie Maslyn Larson.


West 8’s design of Governors Island Park and Public Spaces builds on the public’s new found delight for the island’s open spaces and historic assets, and establishes a strong foundation for the island’s future growth. Upon arrival by ferry at Soissons Landing, the visitor enters the world of Governors Island under a canopy of shade trees and over a welcoming ‘carpet’ of mosaic paving. The visitor may decide to explore the Historic District, relax and play in the Park or rent a bike to experience the Island and the New York Harbor. The Historic District is a 92‐acre district and a nationally and locally designated historic district which seeks to protect it’s architectural and landscape features through preservation and design standards. South Battery has been transformed into a wonderful resting spot along the eastern edge of the Great Promenade with new seating and planting of trees, shrubs and lawns. Walking through the arch of Liggett Hall, the visitor enters Liggett Terrace, a lively four‐acre outdoor ‘room’ that is wrapped on three sides by historical architecture, and serves as the lively entry into the southern portion of the island. The terrace is full of activity, punctuated with seasonal plantings, water features, children’s play and artfully crafted mosaic paving that provide places to sit, relax and enjoy a drink or meal.

Moving south, the cool shade and enclosure of Hammock Grove form a nice contrast to the sunny, more structured open space of Liggett Terrace. More than 1500 new trees will be planted of 55 different species to create a new type of botanical forest. The filtered light through the canopy will create different moods in different weather and the individual placement of hammocks will allow the visitor to find their own peaceful escape. From Hammock Grove, you emerge into the Play Lawn, an 11‐acre open area where adults and children alike can play sports or enjoy a nice relaxing day with the Statue of Liberty as a backdrop. The Play Lawn has two regulation‐sized ball fields surrounded by sculpted, rolling mounds offering more intimate spaces for play.


West 8设计了一个公园,让人们可以享受到与盐风、漩涡状水域和港口广阔景色的联系,同时确保2013年种植的树木在未来几代人的时间内长成一片大森林,而不是在前进的水域面前退缩。我们的总体可持续发展战略侧重于通过地形和在洪水和猛烈风暴面前的恢复力进行改造,West 8的设计:
Rather than withdrawing in the face of the advancing waters, West 8 designed a park that allows people to enjoy the connection to the salt winds, swirling waters and expansive views of the harbor while ensuring that trees planted in 2013 will grow into a great forest over the next few generations. Our overarching sustainability strategy focuses on transformation through topography and resilience in the face of flooding and violent storms, West 8’s design:
– Lifts majority of the island out of the flood zone. Some areas of Phase 1 have been raised by as much as 15 feet above existing grade.
– Diminishes the impact of the wave attack
– Increases resilience in the face of flooding by; designing a perimeter that can withstand flooding and using lawn at the perimeter; planting salt tolerant trees at low elevations, topsoil is placed above predicted sea level rise, thereby protecting their roots and ensuring healthy trees for future generations..
– Increases resilience in the face of violent storms by; designing for high winds, heavy rain and changing the limits of projected flood zone
– Park amenities able to withstand storm surges and flooding have been selected in order to minimize damage and ensure park safety after a storm.

飓风桑迪测试了一些已经实施的设计元素和现场特定策略。尽管桑迪的风暴潮比2100年预计的100年一遇洪水高出约1英尺,但加弗纳斯岛在风暴中安然无恙。风暴再次强调了海拔和防洪对项目耐久性的重要性。作为岛上的联合保管人,使这个新公园向数百万人开放是West 8的愿景所固有的,并实现了城市长期宜居性和可持续性的更大目标。在第一阶段的物理设计中,重要的是要做的不仅仅是将沥青变成草坪。新的地形、优越的土壤和茂盛的树冠造就了一个以长寿为终极目标的强健的公园。我们的设计采用特定地点的战略,考虑独特的微气候,地形增强,地下水,雨水收集和再利用,洪水,空气质量,生态生境和城市热岛效应。
Hurricane Sandy put some of these already‐implemented design elements and site specific strategies to the test. Despite the fact that Sandy’s storm surge exceeded the projected 100‐year flood in the year 2100 by about a foot, Governors Island made it through the storm relatively unscathed. The storm reemphasized the importance that elevation and flood‐proofing have on the durability of the project. As joint custodian’s of the Island, making this new park publicly accessible to millions was intrinsic to West 8’s vision and addresses larger goals for the long‐term livability and sustainability of cities. In the physical design of the Phase 1, it was important to do more than simply turn asphalt into lawn. New topography, superior soils and a thriving tree canopy create a robust park with longevity as the ultimate ambition. Our design employs site‐specific strategies that consider the unique micro‐climate, topographical enhancement, groundwater, storm water collection and reuse, flooding, air quality, ecological habitats and urban heat‐island effects.

For instance the trees of Hammock Grove will develop over the next decade through a “survival of the fittest” planting strategy, requiring minimal maintenance and allowing nature to do most of the gardening. This dense canopy will slowly mature as larger trees, surrounded by smaller, sacrificial trees compete with one another, encouraging vertical growth of the larger trees. At the same time, an understory of meadow plants will encourage vertical growth of the smaller sacrificial material. As root systems develop sacrificial plants will be removed to control competition and ensure healthy growth. Eventually the trees of Hammock Grove will stand tall and the meadow plants will be replaced with grass, allowing park visitors to walk through a lush, botanically rich forest and gently swing in tree‐hung hammocks.


Visitors to the Island can also see the next phase of park under construction‐the Hills. The Hills are the culminating feature of the Governors Island Park and Public Space Master Plan and the newly opened Phase 1 which includes 30 acres of park space and amenities..A new beacon in the harbor, the Hills will provide visitors with the feeling of being immersed in a green oasis culminating at the top of Outlook Hill with an extraordinary 360 degree experience of water and sky.
Drawing from the precedent of Frederick Law Olmsted’s creation of manmade topography in Central Park, The Hills pay homage to the lush, hilly landscapes of pre‐colonial Manhattan, and fortify the Island’s resiliency in the face of rising sea levels. Made of recycled fill materials, the Hills will rise 30 to 80 feet above the Island, offering visitors breathtaking views of the Statue of Liberty, New York Harbor and all 5 boroughs.

Location: New York, USA
Client: The Trust for Governors Island
Design: 2007-2013
Realization: Phase 1, 2014
Size: 30 acres

Project Credits, Ph.1:

首席设计师/首席顾问:西8城市设计与设计;风景园林专业助理风景园林师:Mathews Nielsen风景园林师,P.C.
运营和维护:ETM Associates
考古顾问:Linda Stone,
Lead Designer/Prime Consultant: West 8 urban design & landscape architecture p.c.
Associate Landscape Architect: Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects, P.C.
Lead Civil Engineer: Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Local Civil Engineer: AKRF
Geotechnical Engineer: Hart Crowser Inc.
Signage and Wayfinding: Pentagram
Lighting: Tillotson Design Associates
MEP Engineer: Dagher Associates
Soils Consultant: Pine and Swallow
Environmental Irrigation Consultants: Northern Designs
Code Consultants: Code Consulting Inc.
Cost Estimator: Faithful & Gould
Operations and Maintenance: ETM Associates
Surveyors of Record: Langan
Water Feature Designers: Fluidity Design
Archaeological Consultants: Linda Stone,
RPA Specification Consultants: Construction Specifications, Inc.
