
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-9-23 20:04

Sätra Centrum

NivåLandskapsarkitektur:Sätra中心设计方案背后的理念是发展和完善斯德哥尔摩南部郊区中心的地方特色。Sätra centrum建于20世纪60年代,该项目旨在更新该地区,同时保留其典型的形式和元素。紧靠地铁站东面的广场按照60年代的设计理念进行了精心修复。在这个中心广场附近,一座新建筑正在建造中,在新旧建筑之间产生了有趣的碰撞。地铁站以西的一个地方被称为“Plattan”(指斯德哥尔摩市中心的一个著名广场),以更自由的方式重新设计,旨在赋予广场一种新的身份。
Nivå Landskapsarkitektur: The idea behind the design proposal for Sätra centrum was to develop and refine the local qualities of a southern suburban centre in Stockholm. Sätra centrum was built in the 1960s, and the project aimed to renew the area while preserving its time-typical forms and elements. The square immediately east of the subway station was restored carefully in line with its former 60s ideas. Adjacent to this central square, a new building block is being built, creating an interesting collision between old and new. West of the subway station, an area locally known as ‘Plattan’ (referring to a well-known square in the centre of Stockholm), was redesigned in a freer fashion with the aim to give the square a new identity.

Sätra Centrum

© Anders Karlen

Sätra Centrum

© Anders Karlen

Sätra Centrum

© Anders Karlen

Sätra Centrum

© Anders Karlen

Sätra Centrum

© Anders Karlen

Sätra Centrum

© Anders Karlen

Sätra Centrum

© Anders Karlen

Sätra Centrum

© Anders Karlen

Sätra Centrum

© Anders Karlen

Sätra Centrum

© Nivå

Sätra Centrum

© Nivå

“Plattan”的中心位置靠近学校、医疗中心和地铁站,有可能成为印度南部所有年龄段的普通起居室。因此,重新设计包括客厅的一系列新地毯。两个是装饰图案的砖地毯,给广场一种家的感觉。第三件是一件完整的声音艺术作品,是艺术家安·罗森(Ann Rosén)创作的“声音地毯”,它刺激了儿童和成年人的运动和思考。一些新落叶松,落叶松树,似乎从周围的斜坡上漫步到广场上。
With its central location close to schools, health care centre and the subway station, ‘Plattan’ had the potential of becoming a well-used common living-room for all age groups in Sätra. Consequently, the re-design included a series of new carpets for the living room. Two are brick-carpets in ornamental patterns, giving the square a homely feeling. The third is an integrated sound art piece, a ‘carpet of sound’ by artist Ann Rosén, which stimulates movement and reflection for kids as well as grownups. A number of new larch trees, Larix decidua, seem to wander down onto the square from the surrounding slopes.

Project name: Sätra Centrum
Landscape Architect: Nivå Landskapsarkitektur
Client: Stockholms stad
Artist: Ann Rosén
Lighting: Reilers
Contractor: Y2 Anläggning AB
Years : 2008-2010
Area: 5000 sqm
Location: Sätra/Stockholm
Opened: 2010
Photographs: Anders Karlen
