Fisktorget square
Thorbjörn Andersson: Karlskrona is an old town, located in southern Sweden and founded by king Carolus XI in the 17th century. It sits on islands and is surrounded by a rich archipelago. This was also once the reason to place this naval city here. Karlskrona literally means “Crown of Carolus” and used to be Sweden´s most important marine base. It is today listed as a World Unesco Heritage site. Fisktorget was once a market place for selling fish. Today it is more of a recreational space, with splendid views over a bay, surrounded by the city, and also the departure point for boats going around in the archipelago.
© T.A. & Sweco
© T.A. & Sweco
© T.A. & Sweco
© T.A. & Sweco
© T.A. & Sweco
© T.A. & Sweco
© T.A. & Sweco
© T.A. & Sweco
© T.A. & Sweco
© T.A. & Sweco
该项目位于水边,设计为花岗岩和木材的一部分。这两个沿码头呈L形布置。木质部分是一个遮阳板,有座位和晒太阳的地方。花岗岩部分也是酒店的入口广场,有一排树(Acer ginnala)和一个宽楼梯通向稍低的楼层。位于木质甲板边缘中央的是艺术家Pål Svensson的黑色花岗岩和玻璃雕塑,名为“Doldrum”。该项目的目的是提高一个以前被忽视的地方的社会能力。今天,它是一个很受欢迎的地方,可以观赏大海,与人会面,观赏鸟类,或者带上一条毛毯。该项目对卡尔斯克罗纳市非常重要,因为它将公众生活带到了水下。
The project is right at the edge of the water and is designed as one part of granite and another part of wood. These two are laid out as an L-shape along the quay. The wooden part is a sun deck with places for seating and sun-basking. The granite part is also the entry plaza to a hotel, with a front row of trees (Acer ginnala) and a wide staircase leading down to a slightly lower level. Centrally positioned at the edge of the wooden deck is a sculpture in black granite and glass by artist Pål Svensson, named “Doldrum”. The aim of the project has been to improve the social capacity of a previous neglected place. Today it is a popular spot for gazing at the sea, meeting people, watching birds, or bringing a pick nick blanket. The project has been important to the city of Karlskrona because it takes public life all the way down to the water.
Project name: Fisktorget square
Project Location: Karlskrona, Sweden
Client: City of Karlskrona
Landscape architect: Thorbjörn Andersson with Sweco architects
Design Team: PeGe Hillinge, Andreas Johansson, Alexander Cederroth (illumination).
Area: 1000 sq m
Opening: 2012