Rooftop Park Bulwark Sint Jan
奥斯陆Ontwerp Stedelijke en Landschappelijke Omgeeving:从火车站出发,穿过威廉米纳大桥进入s-Hertogenbosch老城中心,一座独特的锈钢建筑将吸引你的眼球。它位于小镇多梅尔河的边缘,一个小公园建在建筑物的顶部。多梅尔河上的圣简堡曾经是这座历史悠久的防御城镇的四个主要入口之一。古往今来,三代盖茨在这里互相取代了对方的位置。在十九世纪末,堡垒被拆毁,以便能更快地排干多梅尔河的水。在斜坡和街道的地面上发现了最后两座城门、城墙、圆顶和中世纪鹅卵石的辉煌遗迹。遗址的重要性和遗迹的状态是如此特殊,以至于在这里建造了一座具有信息和餐饮功能的地下建筑。舷墙沉重的侧墙部分重新升起,在创造的空间中,放置了一个巨大的屋顶,表面扭曲,似乎漂浮在分支的钢柱上。在由Van Roosmalen Van Gessel建筑师设计的建筑中,防御工事的旧遗迹依然清晰可见。从2015年起,该景点将成为游客进城的门户。在高于街道一米半的屋顶上,实现了一个公共屋顶公园。
OSLO Ontwerp Stedelijke en Landschappelijke Omgeving: Coming from the railway station, entering the old town centre of ‘s-Hertogenbosch by crossing the Wilhelmina Bridge, a unique building of rusty steel will catch your eye. It is situated at the edge of the town river Dommel and a small park was created on top of the building. Bulwark Sint Jan on the Dommel used to be one of the four main entrances to the historic fortified town. Through the ages, three generations of gates have taken each other’s place here. At the end of the nineteenth century the bulwark was demolished so that the water of the Dommel could be drained faster. Splendid remnants of the two last gates, town wall, a roundel and mediaeval cobblestones were found in the ground of the slopes and street. The importance of the site and the state of the remnants are so exceptional that a subterranean building with an information and catering function was constructed here. The heavy flank walls of the bulwark were partly raised again and in the created space a massive roof with kinked surfaces was placed, seemingly floating on branched steel columns. In the building, designed by Van Roosmalen van Gessel Architects, the old remnants of the fortifications remain visible. From 2015, this spot will be the gateway to town for touristic visitors. On the roof, one and a half metres above street level, a public rooftop park was realised.
© Marlene van Gessel
© Martien van Osch
© Martien van Osch
© Martien van Osch
© Martien van Osch
© Maud van Roosmalen
© Niels van Empel
© Niels van Empel
© Niels van Empel
© Rosanne Schrijver
© Rosanne Schrijver
© Tekton Bouwmanagement
© Tekton Bouwmanagement
© Tekton Bouwmanagement
屋顶公园很小,只有700平方米,但适合密集使用,有足够的座位。它坐落在多梅尔河的一条平缓的弯道上,这条弯道为公园提供了广阔的视野,可以看到河流的两岸。此外,屋顶公园既能吸收下午的阳光,也能吸收傍晚的阳光。种植了11株全长成的Gleditsia,为那些在长凳上休息片刻或在6米长的野餐桌旁拉起椅子的人提供了庇护所和隐私。你可以真正享受被树叶过滤的阳光。屋顶公园的设计符合建筑物的棱角形状。为本项目专门设计的混凝土瓷砖,形状像一种浮冰,地面略呈球形。瓦片之间铺了一块可穿透的砾石地毯,以便树根获得水分和空气。植物部分位于平面内,部分由corten steel边缘凸起,也呈碎片状,充满了常绿莎草物种。在这件绿色服饰中,用天然颜料涂成赤褐色的树干厚颜无耻地突出,因此与生锈的钢铁非常相配,仿佛源自它。
The rooftop park is small, only 700 square metres, but suitable for intensive use with ample seating. It is wonderfully situated in a gentle curve of the Dommel which gives the park a wide view to both sides over the length of the river. In addition the rooftop park catches both the afternoon and evening sunshine. Eleven full grown Gleditsias were planted, which provide shelter and privacy for those reposing a moment on the benches or pull up a chair at the 6 metres long picnic table. You can truly enjoy the sunshine filtered by the foliage. The design of the rooftop park is in accord with the angular form of the building. The concrete tiles, specially designed for this project, form like a kind of ice floes, the slightly spherical ground level. A penetrable gravel carpet was put between the tiles so that the tree roots get water and air. The plant sections, partly in the plane and partly raised by corten steel edges, are also in shard like forms and filled with evergreen sedge species. Out of this green finery, the tree trunks, painted auburn with natural pigments, stick out cheekily thus wonderfully well matched to the rusty steel as if originating from it.
Commissioned by: city ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Location: ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Design rooftop park, street and jetty: OSLO Ontwerp Stedelijke en Landschappelijke Omgeving
Berlicum, Netherlands
Martien van Osch
Design building, restoration work and exterior space downstairs:
Van Roosmalen van Gessel Architecten e.p.
Delft, Netherlands
Marc van Roosmalen & Marlène van Gessel
Area: bulwark and surrounding: 2500 m2
rooftop park: 700 m2
Design rooftop park: 2012-2015
Realisation rooftop park: 2015
Budget rooftop park: € 160.000,–
Realisation rooftop park: Van Helvoirt Groenprojecten
Berkel Enschot, Netherlands
Photography: Tekton bouwmanagement, Niels van Empel, Marlène van Gessel, Martien van Osch, Maud van Roosmalen, Rosanna Schrijver.
Drawing: OSLO Ontwerp Stedelijke en Landschappelijke Omgeving