
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-9-4 02:20

Governors Island – The Hills

Editor's note

The hills are to be celebrated for the experience they offer – new views on Lower Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty. Worth mentioning that they consist of the material from the buildings that had to be demolished for the new park to take the place. Especially interesting is the sculpture by Rachel Whiteread. A concrete cabin, that ads to the notion of distance – for a moment there the park seems abandoned and found which boosts the contrast between the concrete buzzing Lower Manhattan in the background and tranquil and softly shaped park, full of trees, grasses and shrubs moving with the wind.

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The Trust for Governors Island (The Trust) announces the opening of the Hills, ten newly designed acres of park on Governors Island that include slides, art and unparalleled harbor views. The Hills are open for the season daily from July 19 – September 25, 2016, Monday-Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday/Sunday 10am-7pm.

由著名景观设计师West 8 urban design&;风景园林、群山是屡获殊荣的加弗纳斯岛公园和公共空间总体规划的顶峰。群山耸立在岛上25至70英尺的高空,为您提供了纽约港360度的非凡全景体验。这些山的开放标志着加弗纳斯岛从一个废弃的军事基地转变为纽约人和游客的标志性目的地的一个重要里程碑。
Designed by acclaimed landscape architects West 8 urban design & landscape architecture, the Hills are the culmination of the award-winning Governors Island Park and Public Space Master Plan. Rising 25 to 70 feet above the Island the Hills offer an extraordinary 360-degree panoramic experience of the NY Harbor. The opening of the Hills marks a major milestone in the transformation of Governors Island from an abandoned military base into an iconic destination for New Yorkers and visitors alike.

As previously announced, the Hills are opening nearly a year ahead of schedule. The four Hills embody all that makes Governors Island unique: art, play, nature, relaxation, and views:
• Grassy Hill is a 26-foot high gentle, grassy slope overlooking the Island’s new and historic landscapes and the Manhattan skyline;
• Slide Hill, at 36 feet high, is the home of four slides, including the longest slide in New York City;
• Discovery Hill, also 39 feet high, features a site-specific sculpture Cabin by the internationally recognized British artist Rachel Whiteread and first major permanent public commission in the U.S.; and,
• Outlook Hill provides universally accessible paths and the Scramble, constructed out of reclaimed granite seawall blocks, to reach the Outlook. Here, 70 feet above the Island, visitors have unforgettable views of the New York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty and the skylines of Manhattan, Brooklyn and Jersey City.

Governors Island – The Hills

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island – The Hills

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island – The Hills

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island – The Hills

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island – The Hills

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island – The Hills

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island – The Hills

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island – The Hills

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island – The Hills

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island – The Hills

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island – The Hills

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island – The Hills

© Timothy Schenck

Governors Island – The Hills

© West 8

Governors Island – The Hills

© West 8

Governors Island – The Hills

© West 8

Governors Island – The Hills

© West 8

Governors Island – The Hills

© West 8

Governors Island – The Hills

© West 8

Governors Island – The Hills

© West 8

Governors Island – The Hills

© West 8

Governors Island – The Hills

© West 8

Governors Island – The Hills

© Andrew Moore, 2003

Governors Island – The Hills

© Andrew Moore, 2003

Governors Island – The Hills

postcard from World War I era

Landscape Architecture of the Hills

West 8联合创始人、设计总监阿德里安·盖兹(Adriaan Geuze)说:“雕塑地形与蜿蜒的小径和树木相配合,创造出‘隐藏和揭示’的景观,设计出公园体验。它最大限度地提高了预期感,吸引游客穿过公园,或示意一个可以坐久一点的地方。地形决定了该地区的特征。”
“Sculpted topography works in concert with winding pathways and trees to create ‘conceal and reveal’ vistas, choreographing the park experience,” said design director Adriaan Geuze, co-founder of West 8. “It maximizes the sense of anticipation, pulling a visitor through the park or signaling a place to sit and stay just a bit longer. The topography defines the very character of the area.”

The Hills are constructed of recycled demolition debris, general fill and lightweight pumice, stabilized with geotechnical reinforcement and covered with shrubs, trees and grassy lawns. While the Hills provide striking vistas and comfortable settings for relaxation and play, they also improve the island’s resilience in the face of increasingly dramatic weather patterns and rising sea levels.

The Hills are home to more than 860 new trees and 41,000 new shrubs planted in new high-quality topsoil and protected from brackish groundwater by the new topography. The planting of each of the four hills is designed according to the micro-climates: varying degrees of slopes, exposure to sun, salty-spray, and prevailing wind and to accentuate key view corridors. The new lawns, plantings and permeable paving also reduce erosion and storm run-off, while allowing for water collection and irrigation.

Art of the Hills

“发现山”是“小屋”的背景,这是特纳奖获得者英国艺术家瑞秋·怀特里德(Rachel Whiteread)创作的一幅特定于场地的艺术品。这件作品由ArtCommissionsGI的汤姆·埃克尔斯(Tom Eccles)策划,是一座新英格兰风格的木制棚屋的混凝土浇注,让人想起梭罗在瓦尔登湖的小屋。随着时间的推移,山坡上周围的植被将沿着雕塑的表面生长,给它一种风化的外观,与自然环境融为一体。
Discovery Hill is the setting for Cabin, a site-specific artwork by Turner-Prize winning British artist Rachel Whiteread. The work, curated by Tom Eccles of ArtCommissionsGI, is a concrete cast of a wooden New England-style shed reminiscent of Thoreau’s cabin at Walden Pond. Over time, the surrounding vegetation on the hillside will grow along the sculpture’s surfaces, giving it a weathered look that blends into its natural surroundings.

The undulating aesthetic of the Hills is augmented by the smooth, curved edging which separates the green sections from the paved paths that wind through the park. A look down from the hilltops reveals striking patterns, distinct “petals” of green parkland outlined by the bright white concrete edging. The edging, which ranges from curb to bench height, is ornamented with subtle designs that reference the marine life surrounding the island.

About the Governors Island Park

The Hills are the latest addition to the park. The first 30 acres opened to the public in 2014 include Liggett Terrace, a six-acre plaza with seasonal plantings, seating, food concessions and a hedge maze; Hammock Grove, a sunny ten-acre space that is home to 1,500 new trees, play areas and 50 hammocks; and the Play Lawn, 14 acres for play and relaxation that includes two natural turf ball fields sized for adult softball and Little League baseball. In addition, new welcome areas have been added at the Island’s ferry landings, as have key visitor amenities, including new lighting, seating, and signage by Pentagram throughout the Historic District.

Now that the Hills are open to the public, visitors are now able to walk or bike around the island’s entire 2.2-mile promenade and enjoy the popular Picnic Point. The southern portions of the promenade and Picnic Point had been closed since 2012.

Governors Island Planting Strategy


The Hills are the climax of the Park and Public Space Master Plan. Built from a combination of salvaged fill, clean fill, designed soils and structural support, the height and slope of the Hills create complex gradations of planting conditions based on light, aspect and grade. As a result, the planting strategy for the Hills is the most complex from an aesthetic, experiential, and technical standpoint.

As visitors climb the paths the view sheds are controlled through the massing of the trees and shrubs. Trees along the pathway are placed to provide views at key moments, and trees on the slopes of the Hills are planted at elevations that will not inhibit 360-degree views from the top of the tallest hill. 830 trees are planted on the Hills in a mix of sizes, both B&B and containerized, comprising 32 tree species. Plant species selected are tolerant of a variety of site conditions; salt, exposure, slope, and experience. The Hills canopy planting strategy utilizes a mix of native and adapted deciduous hardwood trees with a focus on the Oak canopy.

• Red, Black, Scarlett and Swamp White Oaks dapple the Hills, acting as a continuation of the Park Phase 1 planting strategy.
• Special groves inserted within the oak forest provide accents in the landscape; from the Sassafras grove leading into Liberty Moment to the grove of Birch and Pine providing a shaded canopy at Slide Hill.
• Planting is used to accentuate view corridors, such as the red foliage of the sumac ravine as visitors pass through Liberty Moment in the fall.
• The planting palette provides accents of color as it draws visitors’ attention to the unparalleled views of the Statue of Liberty, while the wooded forests are thoughtfully planned to create “viewing corridors” to the sights of the Island and the Harbor.

Over 40,000 shrubs, comprising 19 species of planting cover nearly 5 acres of the Hills. Shrub selection and location corresponds to site conditions; salt, exposure, slope and experience. Shrub installation sizes, both gallon and quart, and spacing relate to specific technical needs including erosion control and slope stability. Shrub species are grouped into mixes of varying concentration, which accentuate the experience of the Hills. 37 total shrub mixes allow for ecological transitions as a response to experience and site conditions.
• Imagine the red foliage of blueberry shrubs as visitors walk down the Discovery Hill ridgeline
• Experience the monochromatic, monumental view of inkberry, huckleberry and sumac plantings on the harbor face of Outlook and Discovery from the Staten Island Ferry.
• A flush of yellow spring flowers of New Jersey Tea and Summersweet greet the visitor at the entry to Outlook.


West 8’s master plan for the island unifies the north and south island through tree plantings that are integrated with newly sculpted topography throughout the south island. By designing the two coincidental to each other, the north island experience of sunny and shady rooms will continue all the way to the south tip of the island – enhancing the feeling of intimacy in some areas and creating new views of New York Harbor in others.

“吊床林”于2014年开业,因新树木植物林中的红色吊床而得名。今天的吊床是挂在特殊的柱子上的,但一旦吊床足够高,能够支撑吊床,吊床就会从树荫下摆动。吊床林提供了一个10英亩面积的过滤光和阴影。人们种植了新的树木,使其像木片一样移动、隐藏,并向沿着蜿蜒小径行走的游客展示自由女神像的壮观景色。Hammock Grove的本地植物调色板基于最初在岛上的橡树山核桃栗树群落(该地区的印第安人将该岛称为“Paggank”,意为“坚果岛”。)
“Hammock Grove,” opened in 2014 and is named for the red hammocks throughout the botanic grove of new trees. The hammocks today are strung on special posts, but they will swing from the shade trees once they are tall enough to support them. Hammock Grove provides a ten-acre area of filtered light and shade. New trees are planted to act like scrims – shifting, hiding, and revealing spectacular views of the Statue of Liberty to visitors walking along the gently winding paths. The native plant palette in Hammock Grove is based on the oak-hickory-chestnut community that was originally on the island. (Native Americans in the region referred to the island as “Paggank” which translates to ‘nut island.’)

The design of Hammock Grove entails the creation of an entirely new grove of trees, and features a mix of techniques to help support the young trees in the challenging harbor environment. The team tagged over fifty species of trees in seven states to support the diverse plant palette, which includes eight oak species and four hickory species. 5,800 seedlings, 1,482 one-inch caliper trees, and 448 balled and burlapped trees are planted in an organized grid layout to facilitate early management. The grid will be visible in early years but over time, as the forest forms and trees are culled, the grid will become less visible. Tulip poplar and alnus seedlings are used as nurse species to buffer island conditions, helping the other trees to adapt and grow tall. As the forest matures, many of these sacrificial species will die off or be removed to allow the other species to achieve full form. All of the trees are planted in new soils designed for the island and are under planted with meadow grasses. The entire grove is lifted topographically from existing grade in anticipation of sea level rise, and to prevent the tree roots from experiencing the brackish groundwater below.

来自纽约和其他地方的城市居民将来到吊床林,体验四季——春天的第一片树叶、夏天的树荫和秋天的色彩——并在一个五颜六色的同名吊床上散步、骑自行车、坐在树下或打盹。Hammock Grove的滤光灯将在不同的天气下创造不同的心情,为未来的项目和聚会提供难忘的公园体验和无限的机会……一个二十一世纪城市的真正城市森林。
Urban dwellers from New York and beyond will come to Hammock Grove to experience the seasons – spring’s first leaves, summer shade, and fall colors – and to walk, bicycle, sit under a tree, or nap in one of the colorful namesake hammocks. Hammock Grove’s filtered light will create different moods in different weather, providing a memorable park experience and endless opportunities for future programs and gatherings… a true urban forest for the twenty-first century city.
