Al Shaheed Park
莎拉·马查多:这是科威特阿米里·迪万(Amiri Diwan)于20世纪60年代初建造的一座正式花园的翻版,旨在庆祝该市的现代化,在萨达姆入侵科威特纪念战争烈士后命名为“沙希德花园”,在2014年12月竣工后,科威特埃米尔于2015年3月3日举行了民族日和解放日庆祝活动,并于2015年3月3日正式落成。
Sara Machado: This reconversion of a formal garden by Kuwait Amiri Diwan built in the early 1960’s, to celebrate the city’s modernization, and named as “Shaheed Garden” after Saddam’s Invasion in memory of the war martyrs was officially inaugurated by the Emir of Kuwait following the National and Liberation days celebrations on the 3rd of March 2015 after being completed in December 2014.
© Nelson Garrido
© Nelson Garrido
© Nelson Garrido
© Nelson Garrido
© Nelson Garrido
© Nelson Garrido
© Nelson Garrido
© Nelson Garrido
Master plan
近20公顷的城市公园(长800mx2.5km)包括对1961-64年间修建的正式绿化带公园的改造,该公园是在拆除科威特“sour”(建于1920年的第三堵墙)后修建的,作为1952年批准的第一份总体规划所建立的科威特城市绿化带的一部分,并取代了旧城这一物理极限的轨迹。在社区提出担忧后,2012年,公园被重新开垦,以引入可作为国家庆典和节日场地的已建项目。当地首席顾问TAEP与国际顾问里卡多·卡马乔(Ricardo Camacho)合作进行了赢得比赛的重新设计。该项目包括整合现有花园中的几栋建筑,并选择一种原生植被方案,以应对用水限制、恶劣的环境条件和城市维护做法。该项目在创纪录的22个月内开发和实施。公园的重新设计过程是由彼得和艾莉森·史密森于1969-72年提出的“城墙和沙丘花园”的先例战略和物质价值决定的,并受到其强烈影响。
The almost 20Ha urban park (800mx2.5km long) comprehends the reconversion of the formal Green Belt Park built between 1961-64 following the demolition of the Kuwait ‘sour’ (3rd Wall built in 1920) as a section of the Kuwait City Green Belt established by the First Master Plan, approved in 1952, and replacing the trajectory of this physical limit of the old city. After concerns raised by the community, the park was reclaimed in 2012 for the introduction of built program that can perform as ground for national celebrations and festivals. The Lead local Consultant TAEP teamed up with the international consultant Ricardo Camacho on the competition-winning redesign. The project included the integration of several buildings in the existing garden and the selection of a native vegetation scheme that could respond to water consumption restrictions, the harsh environmental conditions and urban maintenance practices. The project was developed and implemented in a record time of 22 months. The Park re- design process was determined and strongly affected by the precedent strategic and material value of the 1969-72 never accomplished proposal of Peter and Alison Smithson the “Rampart and Dune Gardens”.
The new park contains two museums, large underground Car Park, Visitor Centre and Administration & Maintenance facilities. Other built elements are the Celebration Gate, formal entrance in the park with all receptions, the conservation of the old city wall gate together with the implementation of a 900 lower amphitheater defining the access through a tunnel to the Memorial Garden setting the frame for a Museum. On the opposite extreme of the park stands the birds nest at the edge of the Habitat Museum. In the middle of the Park a 9000m3 irrigation lake hides a telescopic pole for the national flag raise flanked by the Visitor Centre and the garden management and maintenance facilities.
考虑到项目的复杂性以及设计和建造的短期进度,业主和设计师雇佣了所有文化和环境实体,包括非营利和政府机构。在项目的建设和设计过程中,社会年轻阶层的积极性成为未来管理和内容规划的基础。该公园目前由一个民间组织(Al-Diwan Al-Amiri)拥有,并由一个非盈利的青年志愿者组织(LOYAC)管理。公园计划包括旅游、体育活动和文化节、领导力和专业培训以及儿童教育活动。在试图建设新首都“丝绸之城”失败后,科威特年轻一代的期望现在又回到了现有的城镇,其基础是从社会责任到环境责任的新的民族认同价值观。对这一雄心勃勃的项目的乐观态度促使生态战略和城市原则,以及相关的先例,在首都和居民区之间寻求从未巩固的绿色走廊。沙希德公园改造计划旨在实施一个生活系统,在这个系统中,预先存在的生态基础设施可以提供多种可能性,利用沙漠城市的公共空间唤起对过去的记忆,鼓励未来的城市和环境行为。
Considering the complexity of program and the short schedule for design and built, the owner and designer engaged all cultural and environmental entities, non profit and governmental. During the construction and design of the project, the motivation of younger sectors of society became fundamental for the future management and content planning. The Park is today own by a civic organization (Al Diwan Al Amiri) and managed by a non profit organization of young volunteers (LOYAC). The Park program includes, among tours, sport activities and cultural festivals, leadership and professional training as well as children educational activities. After the failed attempt to build a new capital “The Silk City”the expectancies of Kuwait younger generations are now back to the existing town grounded in new values of national identity from social to environmental responsibility. The optimism around this ambitious project prompts ecological strategies and urban principles, with relevant precedents, pursuing the never consolidated green corridor between the capital and the residential neighbourhoods. Shaheed Park, reconversion plan seeks to implement a living system where the pre- existing ecological infrastructure can provide multiple possibilities of using the public space in a desert city evoking the memories of the past and encouraging future urban and environmental behave.
167.785,00 m2公园的设计/建造合同,包括aprox。建筑面积56.750平方米,包括人居博物馆、纪念博物馆、游客中心、行政和文化中心;管理办公室、庆典大门、旧城大门、拥有900个观众座位的圆形剧场和可容纳900辆汽车的地下停车场。这是科威特阿米里·迪万(Amiri Diwan)于20世纪60年代初建造的一座正式花园的翻版,用于庆祝该市的现代化,在萨达姆入侵后命名为“沙希德花园”,以纪念战争烈士,理解1961-64年科威特“sour”号被拆除后修建的正式绿化带公园的改建。Sdarch设计的纪念“科威特宪法金禧”的纪念碑是改造的第一个行动,随后是广泛的公共建筑项目,包括栖息地博物馆、纪念博物馆、清真寺、停车场、游客中心、湖泊和鸟舍。
A Design/Build contract for 167.785,00 m2 Park comprising aprox. 56.750 sqm of building area, Habitat Museum, Memorial Museum, Visitor Centre, Administration & Management Offices, Celebration Gate, Old City Gate, Amphitheater with 900 spectator seats and Underground Parking for 900 cars. This reconversion of a formal garden by Kuwait Amiri Diwan built in the early 1960’s, to celebrate the city’s modernization, and named as “Shaheed Garden” after Saddam’s Invasion in memory of the war martyrs, comprehends the reconversion of the formal Green Belt Park built between 1961-64 following the demolition of the Kuwait ‘sour’. The monument to celebrate the “golden jubilee of Kuwait Constitution” designed by Sdarch was the first action towards the reconversion, followed by a broad program of public buildings, including a Habitat Museum, Memorial Museum, Mosque, Car Park, Visitor Centre, a lake and an Aviary.
景观方案使用由地下设施和现有树木组成的现有网格,该网格将分布所有计划活动和建筑,然后考虑声学研究、挖方和填方策略以及周围环境的视觉影响,将其转换为土堆。在更大程度上,该电网将成为缓解气候变化的媒介:风、噪音、灰尘和阳光。它生成了一个参考资料,能够识别科威特现有的栖息地,有32%的原生植被、历史、麦加方向,并通过三条路径(埃米尔路径、游客路径和慢跑路径)提供所有拟建元素之间的连接。该公园目前由一个民间组织(Al-Diwan Al-Amiri)拥有,并由一个非盈利的青年志愿者组织(LOYAC)管理。
The landscape proposal uses an existing grid, made of underground services and existing trees, that will distribute all the programmatic events and buildings that will be then converted into mounds due to a consideration of the acoustic studies, cut and fill strategy and the visual impact of the surrounding. At a larger degree this grid will be a medium for climate mitigating: wind, noise, dust and sun. It generates a referential that is able to recognize the existing habitats in Kuwait, with 32% of native vegetation, it’s history, Mecca orientation, as well as providing connections between all proposed elements through three pathways-the Emir path, visitors path and jogging track. The Park is today own by a civic organization (Al Diwan Al Amiri) and managed by a non profit organization of young volunteers (LOYAC).
Landscape Architecture: Sara Machado + Ricardo Camacho and The Associated Engineering Partnership
Project Title: Al Shaheed Park
Street Address: Kuwait City, Soor Street, Opposite Al Tijaria Tower City: Kuwait City
Location: Kuwait City, Kuwait
Phase: 2015
Size: 23ha
Total initial budget: 118 million US dollars
Total actual costs: 118 million US dollars
Actual cost (per square metre): total cost 703,33 US dollars, landscape: 250 US dollars
Valentin Trillo(Acciona Producciones y Diseño)负责展会实施
Eng. Haifa Al Muhanna Al Diwan Al Amiri Project Engineer
Eng. Jacob Kurian (Kharafi National Co., KN) Project Construction Manager(Contractor)
Eng. Khaled Al Fouzan ( The Associated Engineering Partnership, TAEP) Lead Consultant
Sara Machado (Stroop | landscape urbanism) and Ricardo Camacho, Lead Designers
Ricardo Camacho and Abdulatif Al-Mishari (as Multitude Agency) Pre-Concept Design for Architecture
Sara Saragoca Head of Interior Design
Flavio Silva, Marcelo Aguiar, Frederico Barosa, Fernando Martins, Nuno Sequeira, Hugo Ferreira, (Senior Landscape Architects and Architects)
Inês Moreira, Graca Vaz, Sarah Behbehani, Rita Tadi,Sarah Behbehani, (Architects and Landscape Architects)
Abdulaziz Al Khandari, Yousef Abdulaal, Miguel Costa Project Communication and Visualization
Eng. Vojislav Mitrovic (Al Farooqi Engineering Consultants Bureau) Head of Structural Design for Visitor Centre Building Eng. Bruno Rocha (R5 Engenharia) Head of Structural Design for Museums,Aviary,Bridge,Celebration G.
Eng. Nashaat Sadek (TAEP) Head of Structural Design for Car Park and Administration Bldg.

Eng. Magdy Mohamed (KN) MEP Design Coordination
Eng. Anas Mustafa Hajeer (KN) Lead Plumbing and Fire Fighting Designer
Eng. Ahmed Sadek, Eng. Mostafa Kamel, Eng. Sameh Ismail Morsy, Eng. Mohamed Hassan (KN) Project Directors (Contractor) Eng. Abdul Mohammed (TAEP), Eng. Khaled Galal, Eng. Hesham Abdelhamid Ibrahim, Eng. Hany Saad (KN) Electrical Design Eng. Mohamad Shhaitly (KN) Lead HVAC Designer
Eng. Pedro Nobre Correia (Geodesenho) Lead Irrigation Designer
Eng. Benjamim Silva, Eng. Mohamed Soliman (ProGolf/KN) Lead Civil Landscape
Eng. Nuno Mateus (Psicometro) Acoustics and Thermal Design
Arch. Jad Cortas (Atelier33) External Lighting Lead Designer
Arch. Zivka Naumova (Alico Projects Department) Lead Facade Designer
Eng. Oliver Hanna (ZinCo GmbH) Green Roof Design
Ze Pedro Font Amado (Wang Design) Identity and Signage
Ali Al-Dousari ( Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research ), Fahed Shuaibi (Amiri Diwan Consultant) Environmental Consultants Eng. Mohamed Salah, Eng. Marwa Marzouk (TAEP) Supervision Resident Engineer
Brook Anderson (Ralph Appelbaum Associates) Lead Exhibition Design and Concept
Valentin Trillo (Acciona Producciones y Diseño) Lead Exhibition Implementation