
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-9-2 06:04

Campus Extension Krefeld

Knüvener Architekturlandschaft:位于Krefeld的Hochschule Niederrhein校区的Süd由能源效率研究所和工业工程系的新大楼扩建。该区域的大小为进一步的建筑提供了空间,为重新组织城市布局和景观设计提供了机会。从主楼开始,采用并延续了大学建筑的矩形逻辑。但对环境有一种新的态度:这所大学在奥贝加斯街建立了一个享有声望的地址,并在克雷菲尔德变得更加显眼。与现有建筑的连接通过一个漂亮的公园——格林米特(“绿色中心”)实现。对角线路径在周围建筑之间创建直接连接。同时,公园向城市开放,向奥贝加斯展示了新建筑。欢迎的姿态一直延续到路上。校园和城市是交织在一起的。
Knüvener Architekturlandschaft: The Campus Süd of the Hochschule Niederrhein in Krefeld is extended by a new building for the Institute for Energy Efficiency and the Department of Industrial Engineering. The size of the area, which holds space for further buildings, offers the chance to reorganize the sites urban layout and landscape architecture. The rectangular logic of the university buildings, starting from the main building, is taken up and continued. But there is a new attitude to the context: The university establishes at the street Obergath a prestigious address and becomes more visible in Krefeld. The connection to the existing buildings is achieved through a nice park, the Grüne Mitte („green center“). Diagonal paths create direct connections between the surrounding buildings. At the same time the park opens out to the city and shows the new building towards Obergath. The welcoming gesture is continued up to the road. Campus and city are interwoven.

Rows of oak trees on both sides form a spatial frame already in the first phase and lead to a picturesque group of existing trees. At the heart of the „Green Centre“ is a large, multi-functional lawn. It can serve as a sun bathing area, offers space for ball games and can be used temporarily for a summer party. Geophytes in shard like patterns bloom in spring.

Campus Extension Krefeld

@ Frank Schoepgens

Campus Extension Krefeld

@ Guido Erbring

Campus Extension Krefeld

@ Frank Schoepgens

Campus Extension Krefeld

@ Guido Erbring

Campus Extension Krefeld

@ Guido Erbring

Campus Extension Krefeld

@ Guido Erbring

Campus Extension Krefeld

@ Guido Erbring

Campus Extension Krefeld

@ Guido Erbring

Campus Extension Krefeld

@ Frank Schoepgens

Campus Extension Krefeld

@ Knüvener Architekturlandschaft

Campus Extension Krefeld

@ Knüvener Architekturlandschaft

Campus Extension Krefeld

@ Knüvener Architekturlandschaft

A fence of vertical flat steels that allow by their different rotation different perspectives leads to the main entrance. On the other side the paths is accompanied by a raised bed framed in polished concrete as long seating. The path leads from outside in a straight line through the building into the atrium and the large auditorium back inside; it creates a play of inside and outside.

The atrium of the new building is a „window into the landscape history“. Krefeld is located on the gravel terraces of the Rhine. This is taken up with a gravel yard and appropriate plants such weeping willows and moisture-loving grasses. It is dominated by a micro topography, showing various sizes Rhine gravel. Through the courtyard leads a run way that emphasizes the topography. The polished concrete sleepers show the surcharge from the Rhine gravel. In the center a deepening serves as aretention pool for the precipitation water. This serves the sustainable operation of the new building and accentuates the issue of water again.


Landscape Architecture: Knüvener Architekturlandschaft
Project: Campus Extension Krefeld
Location: Krefeld
Client: Hochschule Niederrhein
Completion date: 2015
Area: 40,000 square meters
Photos: Guido Erbring, Frank Schoepgens
