
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-8-27 17:32

Medibank Place

哈塞尔:Medibank Place提供的不仅仅是一座创新的商业建筑——它激活并活跃了墨尔本码头区的城市景观。澳大利亚最大的医疗保险公司的新工作场所受到其宗旨的启发:为成员、员工和社区创造更好的健康。Medibank Place的HASSELL设计融合了10000多种植物,模糊了室内外空间的界限。一种幸福感和活力渗透到建筑的方方面面——从建筑底部宽敞的公共公园到包围建筑立面的绿色墙壁。该开发项目与码头区无缝集成,创造了一个通往该区的欢迎门户,提供了重要的新连接和更大的公共设施。
HASSELL: Medibank Place delivers more than an innovative commercial building – it activates and enlivens the urban landscape of Melbourne’s Docklands. The new workplace for Australia’s largest health insurer was inspired by its purpose: to create better health for members, employees and the community. Incorporating over 10,000 plants, the HASSELL design for Medibank Place blurs the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces. A sense of wellbeing and activity permeates every aspect of the site – from the generous public park at the building’s base to the green walls that envelope its façade. The development integrates seamlessly within Docklands, creating a welcoming gateway to the precinct with vital new links and greater public amenity.


Diverse design thinking creates sustainable cities

Medibank Place的成功在于其早期规划和综合设计。作为整个项目开发过程(从总体规划到完工)中的景观设计师,哈塞尔能够提高一个以前被指责为没有生命的区域的公众舆论。对这一商业开发项目的公共领域界面的前所未有的考虑,使得设计团队能够解决受严格限制场地的功能、社会和环境挑战;并为更广泛的区域提供否则无法实现的重大改进。该项目展示了一种令人兴奋的转变,即采用创造性的跨学科方法来设计同时满足多种用途的伟大城市场所。
The success of Medibank Place lies in its early planning and integrated design. As the landscape architect throughout the project’s development – from master plan to completion – HASSELL has been able to boost the public opinion of a precinct previously accused of being lifeless. Unprecedented consideration for the public realm interfaces of this commercial development has allowed the design team to address the functional, social and environmental challenges of the tightly constrained site; and deliver significant improvements for the wider precinct that would not otherwise be achievable. The project demonstrates an exciting shift toward creative, interdisciplinary approaches to designing great urban places that serve a multitude of uses at once.

Medibank Place

© Peter Bennetts

Medibank Place

© Peter Bennetts

Medibank Place

© Peter Bennetts

Medibank Place

© Peter Bennetts

Medibank Place

© Peter Bennetts

Medibank Place

© Peter Bennetts

Medibank Place


Repairing Docklands’ urban fabric

自东南体育场区总体规划制定以来,HASSELL一直参与该项目。Medibank Place场地是该区域内的一块三角形土地,夹在南十字车站和Etihad体育场之间。在重大活动期间,多达40000人使用沿着现场运行的广场,这使得方便的行人流动至关重要。哈塞尔的设计开辟了从中央商务区和火车站到体育场和亚拉河海滨的新通道。这些新的连接使现有的广场宽度从22米缩小到13米,创造了一条更活泼、更适合步行的街道,两边都有咖啡馆、商店和大厅,头顶上有一个清晰的天篷,可以起到防风雨的作用。
HASSELL has been involved in the project since the development of the South East Stadium Precinct Master Plan. The Medibank Place site is a triangle of a land within this precinct, sandwiched between the Southern Cross rail station and Etihad Stadium. As many as 40,000 people use the concourse running along the site during a major event, making the easy flow of pedestrians essential. The HASSELL design opened new links from the CBD and railway station, to the stadium and Yarra River waterfront. These new connections allowed the existing concourse to be narrowed from 22 to 13m-wide, creating a livelier, more pedestrian-friendly street with cafes, shops and lobbies along both sides and weather protection from a clear canopy overhead.

Though, the full value of the master plan was revealed as the new commercial building arose. The overall vision for a more permeable ground plane ensured both the Medibank and neighbouring NAB building carefully consider how they achieve this goal. For Medibank, it influenced the creation of the park and improved stair and lift connections between Bourke Street and the concourse levels of the site. In both cases, it led to the creation of vibrant retail frontages.

A living, breathing building transforms its surrounds

Both the Medibank building and workplace incorporate an enormous number of plants. There are 2,300 inside and 520 in modular planter boxes on the façade, as well as two, 25-metre-high green walls. Within the workplace this helps relieve stress, improve internal air quality and transforms views from grey to green.

The building’s green façade was designed with specialists Fytogreen, to overcome challenges around water supply and drainage, wind mitigation, microclimate zoning, plant installation and maintenance. With 10% of the building’s exterior covered by plants, it’s a building that provides a welcome relief from the heavily concreted surrounds.


Project name: Medibank Place
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Client: Cbus Property (developer) / Medibank (anchor tenant)
Landscape Architect: HASSELL
Scale: 46,000 sqm NLA (including 26,000 sqm NLA of Medibank Workplace)
Year: 2014
Status: Completed
Project Consultants

Collaborators: Façade Greening & Green Walls: Fytogreen
Project Manager: Project Planning & Management
Town Planner: JH Town Planning
Structural & Civil Engineer: Winward Structures
ESD & Services Engineer: WSP
Building Surveyor & Access Consultant: One Group
Builder & Construction Manager: Brookfield Multiplex
Landscape Contractor: Baron Forge
Photography: Peter Bennetts
Awards 2015 Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (Victoria) Awards – Landscape Architecutre Award for Urban Design
