
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-8-24 16:15

Copenhagen Business School “Kilen”

Marianne Levinsen Landskab:校园区位于前“Frederiksbergbane”的冗余铁路线地形上,该地形已被改造为开放的城市景观。长廊通过校园勾勒出城市特色,并用于在区域内移动,连接重要的空间和位置。为了传达大型建筑体量的规模,同时扩大特色的绿色空间,种植了许多强大的红橡树林。长廊的表面由现浇混凝土制成,上面有树木和各种观赏草的圆孔——这是一幅破旧或破败的城市地区的风格化图片,在那里,只要小径上有一个洞或裂缝,野草和先锋植物就会从下方突围而出。
Marianne Levinsen Landskab: The campus area is located in the redundant railway line terrain of the former ”Frederiksbergbane”, which has been transformed into an open urban landscape. The promenade draws an urban feature through the campus and is used for movement through the area, linking significant spaces and locations. To convey the scale of the large building volumes and at the same time extend the characterful green space, a number of powerful groves of red oak trees have been planted. The promenade surface is made of in-situ poured concrete with circular holes for trees and different ornamental grasses – a stylised picture of dilapidated or worn out urban areas, where wild grasses and pioneer plants break through from below as soon as there is a hole or a crack in the trail.

Copenhagen Business School “Kilen”

Copenhagen Business School “Kilen”

Copenhagen Business School “Kilen”

Copenhagen Business School “Kilen”

Copenhagen Business School “Kilen”

Copenhagen Business School “Kilen”

Copenhagen Business School “Kilen”

Copenhagen Business School “Kilen”

Copenhagen Business School “Kilen”

Copenhagen Business School “Kilen”

Copenhagen Business School “Kilen”

Copenhagen Business School “Kilen”

首席顾问:Lundgaard/Tranberg A/S
Landscape Architect: Marianne Levinsen Landskab
Name of the Project: Copenhagen Business School “Kilen”
Situation: Frederiksberg, Denmark
Completion date: 2006
Area m2 / sq ft: 34020 m2 / 366186 sq ft
Photograph: Torben Petersen / Christina Capetillo
Client: Copenhagen Business School
Lead consultant: Lundgaard/Tranberg A/S
