
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-8-21 17:12

Khokhlovskaya Square

作为莫斯科历史林荫大道环更广泛改造项目的一部分,Djao Rakitine已被委托设计一个新的城市广场。一个为莫斯科提供一种新型开放空间的绝佳机会是,曾经环绕旧莫斯科(Bely Gorod)的Belgorodskaya墙(或白墙)的考古遗迹。拟议的设计利用这一历史元素为该地区创造了一个动态的中心特征。该设计旨在揭示白墙的原貌,并与林荫大道环线的线性长廊形成视觉连续性。与相邻街道平行的挡土墙提供了一个可以俯瞰考古特征的阳台。结合现场现有标高变化的限制,创建了一个弧形圆形剧场,将历史墙的较低标高连接到街道标高。圆形剧场台阶最大限度地提高了白墙的可达性和可视性,并提供了一个人们可以坐下和会面的地方。这种安排自然为组织临时活动提供了舞台和场所。
As part of the wider regeneration project for the historical Boulevard Ring in Moscow, Djao-Rakitine has been commissioned to develop the design of a new city square.An exceptional opportunity to provide a new type of open space for Moscow was given by the presence of archaeological remains of the Belgorodskaya Wall (or White Wall) that used to surround the old Moscow (Bely Gorod). The proposed design uses this historic element to create a dynamic and central feature for the area. The design aims to reveal the former presence of the White Wall and to create a visual continuity with the linear promenade of the Boulevard Ring. A retaining wall parallel to the adjacent street provides a balcony overlooking the archaeological feature. Incorporating the constraint of an existing level change on site, a curved amphitheatre has been created to connects the lower level of the historical wall to the level of the street. The amphitheatre steps maximise the accessibility and visibility of the white wall and offers a place where people can sit and meet. This arrangement naturally provides a stage and a place to organise temporary events.

Khokhlovskaya Square has been awarded by the MUF (Moscow Urban Forum) in the Best Urban Design category.

Khokhlovskaya Square

@Olga Alexeyenko

Khokhlovskaya Square

@Olga Alexeyenko

Khokhlovskaya Square

@Olga Alexeyenko

Khokhlovskaya Square

@Olga Alexeyenko

Khokhlovskaya Square

@Olga Alexeyenko

Khokhlovskaya Square

@Strelka KB

Khokhlovskaya Square

@Olga Alexeyenko

Khokhlovskaya Square

@Strelka KB

Khokhlovskaya Square

@Strelka KB

Khokhlovskaya Square

@Strelka KB

Khokhlovskaya Square

@Strelka KB

Khokhlovskaya Square

@Olga Alexeyenko

Khokhlovskaya Square

@Olga Alexeyenko

Project name: Khokhlovskaya Square
Short office name: Djao-Rakitine Ltd
Role of the office in the project: Landscape Architects, Lead Designer
Other designers involved in the design of landscape: Strelka KB
Project location: Pokrovskiy boulevard, Moscow, Russia
Area: 3850 m2
Design year: 2015-2017
Year Built: 2017-18

Image Credit : Strelka KB or Olga Alexeyenko
Copyright: Strelka KB or Djao-Rakitine Ltd
