Archstoyanie Park
Editor's note
At Archstoyanie Park Wagon Landscaping masterfully took advantage of natural processes. The key to establishing this sculpture park, was patient curation of the emerging pioneer vegetation. The play between the ‘empty’ surfaces and forest produce dramatic effects and offers experiential richness – various ambiences carefully populated with sculptures. Under certain circumstances, this project poses the question whether it makes more sense to design a park, spend money to build it and to maintain it. With Archstoyanie Park, building is maintaining over the course of 10 years. Definitely a remarkable example of hard core landscape architecture.
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马车景观:Archstoyanie公园位于乌格拉山谷自然国家公园内,距离莫斯科350公里的Nikola Lenivets村。90年代后,在改革时期,村庄衰落,农业经济衰退。自2000年以来,俄罗斯艺术家和建筑师与当地居民一起开发了一个户外当代艺术博物馆。由俄罗斯著名土地艺术家尼古拉·波利斯基(Nikolai Polissky)和当代艺术与建筑节(Archstoyanie)领衔,一个新的实验性景观即将到来,巨大的木结构正在这里生长。
Wagon-landscaping: Archstoyanie park is located in Nikola Lenivets village, 350 km from Moscow, in the Ugra valley natural national park. After 90’s, at perestroika time, village declined while agricultural economy fall. Since 2000, Russian artists and architects develop an outdoor museum of contemporary art, with inhabitants. Lead by Nikolai Polissky (Russian famous land artist) and Archstoyanie (contemporary art and architecture festival), a new experimental landscape is coming, where immense wooden structures are growing.
On 2008, Wagon Landscaping (in partnership with festival) began to develop a park as an open air museum, organising sculptures and objects for festival and artist residence on this abandoned agricultural zone. Project takes place on a 150 ha agricultural wasteland where the existing pioneer vegetation dynamics are guided and developed as a forestial park, based on “maintaining and gardening nature”.
Some mains objectives define the park concept:
– to design a park playing with the artistic sculptures scenography,
– to work with inhabitants and artists for developing and gardening park,
– to develop park using local agricultural and forestial knowledge, easy to build and maintain.
遵循这一理念,与Archstoyanie节日团队合作,开展区域规模的马车景观设计项目,农业、文化和旅游成为Nikola Lenivets村发展的新经济方式。作为过去10年的一个过程,农民、林业工作者、节庆策展人都参与了该项目,以维护公园。
Following concept, in partnership with the Archstoyanie festival team, Wagon Landscaping design territorial scale project, where agriculture, culture and tourism become a new economical way for the Nikola Lenivets village development. As a process during this last 10 years, farmers, foresters, festival curators are associated to the project to take part to maintain the park.
Park is organized on:
– a main line (axis) which structures and organises walking through the different park atmospheres (fields, meadows, afforestations, forest borders, glades),
– different forestial and agricultural ambiences through the park (open areas and enclosed ones) guiding natural dynamics,
– designed line furniture (benches and wood decking) which underline structure of open space and several atmospheres.
The park project is planned to evolve, with an extensive maintenance (twice interventions per years), with agricultural and forestall materials.
Archstoyanie Park, Nikola Lenivets, Russia
Designer and Builder: Wagon-landscaping
Website: www.wagon-landscaping.fr
Customer: Festival Archstoyanie
Design year: 2008 – 2018
Year of construction: 2008 – 2018
Area: 150 ha
Budget: 1 000 000 €
Image credits: wagon landscaping
Video credits: Ivan Shchetinin