
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-8-18 20:45

Darling Harbour Public Realm

哈塞尔:澳大利亚悉尼达令港的改造是该市20年来最重要的城市更新计划——这是一次千载难逢的机会,可以重塑一个关键的中心街区。海港区现在是悉尼国际会议中心(ICC Sydney)的所在地,包括三个特殊的新场馆、一家豪华酒店以及一个新的多用途社区。哈塞尔与iNSW和Lendlease密切合作,为整个20公顷的区域提供了城市设计框架,并设计了达令港的公共领域,以更好地连接城市,为人们提供新的聚集、放松和娱乐场所。HASSELL负责人兼景观设计负责人安格斯·布鲁斯(Angus Bruce)表示:“在我们改造达令港的设计过程中,人们始终处于核心地位。我们的客户设想了一个高质量、开放和灵活的公共领域,允许各种休闲用途和有组织的活动。他们希望有一个充满活力的空间,既能提升场馆游客的体验,又能以自己的方式展现吸引力,“Angus说。
HASSELL: The transformation of Darling Harbour in Sydney, Australia, is the city’s most significant urban renewal initiative in 20 years – a once in a generation opportunity to remake a critical, central neighbourhood. The harbour-side precinct is now home to the International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney) comprising three exceptional new venues, a luxury hotel – and a new mixed-use neighbourhood is on the way. Working closely with iNSW and Lendlease, HASSELL delivered the urban design framework for the entire 20-hectare precinct and designed Darling Harbour’s public realm to better connect the city and offer new places for people to gather, relax and play. People were firmly at the heart of our design process for remaking Darling Harbour, says Angus Bruce, HASSELL Principal and Head of Landscape Architecture.“Our clients envisaged a high-quality, open and flexible public realm that allows for the greatest variety of both casual uses and organised events. They wanted a place full of vibrant spaces that heighten the experience of visitors to the venues, while presenting as attractions in their own right,” Angus said.

By reinvigorating parklands, integrating landscapes and open space and incorporating water features, public artworks, plazas and event spaces, HASSELL has created opportunities for events and activities as varied as open-air concerts, circus events, market stalls and busking – and simple pleasures like splashing in shallow pools.“We wanted to both ‘wow’ first-time visitors and delight those who use the space the most – the local community of workers and residents – and keep them coming back,” said Angus.Improved pedestrian, cycle and public transport connections now make it easier for people to access the precinct’s previously disconnected immediate neighbourhoods, the harbour and the Sydney city centre.

Darling Harbour Public Realm

@Simon Wood

Darling Harbour Public Realm

@Brett Boardman

Darling Harbour Public Realm

@Brett Boardman

Darling Harbour Public Realm

@Brett Boardman

Darling Harbour Public Realm

@Simon Wood

Darling Harbour Public Realm

@Simon Wood

Darling Harbour Public Realm

@Simon Wood

Darling Harbour Public Realm

@Simon Wood

Darling Harbour Public Realm

@Simon Wood

Darling Harbour Public Realm

@Simon Wood

Darling Harbour Public Realm

@Simon Wood

Darling Harbour Public Realm

@Simon Wood

Darling Harbour Public Realm

@Simon Wood

Darling Harbour Public Realm

@Simon Wood

Darling Harbour Public Realm

@Simon Wood

An integrated design amplifies the spaces and experiences

Darling Harbour’s public realm was delivered through a close, interdisciplinary collaboration. This approach enabled an elegant design that integrates the public landscape and customised artworks with the architecture – maximising the public open space, cultural features, connectivity and views. All three ICC Sydney buildings are united through their continuous landscape base, terraces and materials. The landscape blends seamlessly with the surrounds and encourages permeability of the wider area. It integrates with the ICC Sydney Exhibition building façade to deliver a terraced landscape, elevated event deck and expansive native grassland green roof, connected by pathways and platforms that overlook the precinct.

Creating an authentic, captivating and sustainable public place

By creating more inclusive and engaging new places and improving existing locations, Darling Harbour’s appeal has increased with locals and visitors alike – generating ongoing social, economic and environmental benefits for Sydney.

The transformation project has delivered:
_A dynamic events destination with three major public venues and Tumbalong Park as a high-capacity, open-air event space – now 40 per cent bigger and complete with a stage, event screen and improved lighting.
_A connected precinct with an enhanced network of lanes and streets, including The Boulevard – a 680 m-long, Eucalypt-lined promenade that anchors the entire site and extends the pedestrian connections between Central Station and Cockle Bay.
_More diverse public experiences in engaging new urban spaces, such as the Chinese Garden Plaza – a forecourt to the existing Chinese Garden of Friendship with shallow water pools for children’s play that switch off to make way for market and event day installations.
_A greener harbour with 650 new trees and 9,000 sqm of additional green space, improving amenity and habitat through the extensive use of native species. Crepe myrtle has also been used as a nod to neighbouring Chinatown.
_A distinctly ‘Sydney’ experience. The stories of Darling Harbour come alive through a wide range of curated artworks and interpretative landscape features inspired by the site’s history and ecology.

雕塑、视听装置,包括嵌入梯田景观墙壁中的600平方米土著植物壁画,提供了新的乐趣和阴谋点。活跃的喷泉,包括翻新的罗伯特·伍德沃德喷泉“潮汐瀑布”,庆祝海滨位置。”安格斯说:“大规模的‘大爆炸’和较小的细粒度艺术品在经过广泛的策划过程后,从设计开发之初就被整合在一起了。”我们一直在寻找能够进行多层次探索和想象的作品。每一件作品都是独一无二的,其中一些讲述了达令港丰富历史的文字和短暂故事,而另一些则将你的思想延伸到了该地点和地方以外的范围,”他说。改造项目还包括悉尼市通过综合WSUD解决方案、绿地和改善步行能力实现的更广泛的开放空间可持续性目标。它为悉尼市中心提供了30%以上的公共空间,并获得了澳大利亚绿色建筑委员会(Green Building Council of Australia)颁发的六星级绿星社区评级。
Sculptures, audio and visual installations, including a 600 sqm mural of indigenous flora embedded in the walls of the terraced landscape, provide new points of fun and intrigue. And active water fountains, including the renovated Robert Woodward fountain ‘Tidal Cascades’, celebrate the waterfront location. “Both large-scale ‘big bang’ and smaller fine-grain artworks were integrated from the beginning of the design development following an extensive curation process,” says Angus. “We were looking for works that allowed for layers of exploration and imagination. Each piece is truly unique, with some telling stories both literal and ephemeral of Darling Harbour’s rich history, and others stretching your mind to scales beyond that of the site and place,” he said. The transformation project also embraces the City of Sydney’s wider sustainability goals for open spaces through integrated WSUD solutions, green spaces and improved walkability. It has delivered 30 per cent more public space for Sydney’s inner-city, and has received a 6 Star Green Star Communities rating from the Green Building Council of Australia.

The revitalised public realm is turning Darling Harbour into one of the world’s best places to live, learn, meet and be entertained – a place that people want to return to, time and again.

Darling Harbour Public Realm

Darling Harbour Public Realm

Darling Harbour Public Realm

Darling Harbour Public Realm

Darling Harbour’s major artworks

data.scape由日本领先的电子作曲家和视觉艺术家之一池田(Ikeda)提供沉浸式感官体验装置。这幅10米高、96米长的视听作品被整合在Tumbalong Place朝南的墙上,数千个LED模块构成了一个大屏幕,白天显示人类基因组的DNA序列,而晚上则是一幅巨大的恒星地图,精确地描绘了太阳系内的地球。艺术品从微观到宏观的视角将区域和规模置于另一种语境中。
data.scape by Ryoji Ikeda
data.scape provides an immersive, sensory experience installation by Ikeda, one of Japan’s leading electronic composers and visual artists. The ten-metre-high and 96-metre-long audio-visual piece is integrated in the south facing wall of Tumbalong Place, with thousands of LED modules forming a large video screen which, by day shows the DNA sequences of the human genome, while at night a vast map of stars precisely plot the earth within its solar system. The micro-to-macro perspective of the artwork puts the precinct and scale into an alternate context.

玛丽亚·费尔南达·卡多佐(Maria Fernanda Cardoso)着迷于几何在生物中的表现方式。卡多佐的作品灵感来自于该遗址花粉历史环境报告中发现的花粉多样性,他的作品是沿着林荫大道的一系列砂岩雕塑。通过她的雕塑系列,卡多佐希望公众能够了解每一粒花粉的独特形状,并发现达令港和科克湾的历史。
Sandstone Pollen by Maria Fernanda Cardoso
Maria Fernanda Cardoso is fascinated by the ways in which geometry is manifested in living things. Inspired by the diversity of pollen grains found in the environmental report on the pollen history of the site, Cardoso’s work is a series of sandstone sculptures along The Boulevard. Through her sculpture series, Cardoso hopes the public will learn that each grain of pollen is uniquely shaped and discover the history of Darling Harbour and Cockle Bay.

丹尼·梅勒(Danie Mellor)的作品反映了达令港的本土植物群,壁画采用了大规模摄影制作的图像,印在了该遗址的混凝土挡土墙上。这些壁画以珠光效果在夜间营造出鬼魅般的独特氛围,展示了多种植物,如红树林、桉树、木麻黄和卷心菜棕榈树,以及精致的外来蕨类植物和兰花。
Entelekheia by Danie Mellor
Danie Mellor’s artwork reflects the indigenous flora of Darling Harbour in murals generated using large-scale photographically produced imagery, impressed into the site’s concrete retaining walls. With a pearlescent effect to create a ghostly and distinctive presence at night, the murals display a variety of plants, such as mangroves, eucalypts, casuarina and cabbage palm trees, and delicate exotic species of ferns and orchids.

Sound Habitat by Janet Laurence
The sounds of the natural world, and our interconnection with nature, are at the heart of Janet Laurence’s experiential artwork, which respond to the site’s ecology and plants by producing bird sounds along The Boulevard. The sounds have been taken from recordings of a large flock of circulating corellas, as well as the calls of the grey butcher bird, grey shrike-thrush and magpie. Laurence’s practice creates immersive environments that explore the interconnection of life forms and ecologies and observes the impact that humans have on the threatened, natural world.

Project name: Darling Harbour Public Realm
Location: Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia
Landscape Architect/Urban Designer: HASSELL
Website: www.hassellstudio.com
Scale: 20 hectares
Completed: 2018
Client: Infrastructure New South Wales (iNSW)/Lendlease
_Architecture (International Convention Centre Sydney): HASSELL + Populous
_Artists: Ryoji Ikeda, Maria Fernanda Cardoso, Danie Mellor, Janet Laurence, Robert Woodward
Imagery: Simon Wood, Brett Boardman, HASSELL
