
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-8-19 01:19

A Plateau for Fürstenberg

Planergruppe Oberhausen:在距离明斯特大教堂不远的突出位置,新的LWL艺术和文化博物馆对面,一个多功能的城市广场已经建成,提供了高质量的住宿。弗尔斯滕贝格豪斯的名字来源于弗兰兹·弗里德里希·威廉·冯·弗尔斯滕贝格,他是18世纪后半叶明斯特主教团中一位重要而有影响力的政治家。今天,弗伦斯伯格豪斯在米恩斯特大学里拥有历史和哲学的能力。
Planergruppe Oberhausen: In a prominent location not far from the Cathedral of Münster, opposite the new LWL Museum of Art and Culture, a versatile city square has been created, offering a high quality of stay. The name of the Fürstenberghaus originates from Franz Friedrich Wilhelm von Fürstenberg, an important and influential statesman in the prince-bishopric of Münster in the second half of the 18th century. The Fürstenberghaus today houses the Faculties of History and Philosophy at the University of Münster.

内院现有博物馆的附属设施,以及为自行车的猖獗野蛮停放寻找解决方案的问题,使得广场的重新设计成为必要。位于中心位置的这一明确界定的城市空间的巨大潜力体现在超过20米高的黎明红木(dawn redwood)——一座自然纪念碑——旁边是一棵巨大的红橡树。我们的概念设计长期保存和保护树木,并将树木作为基本元素融入广场的新布局中。这创造了一个多功能的城市空间,大大提高了在该地区逗留的欢迎质量。
An annex to the existing museum in the inner courtyard as well as the problem of finding a solution to the rampant wild parking of bicycles, made the re-design of the square necessary. The great potential of this clearly defined urban space in a central location is being represented by the over 20 m high dawn redwood – a natural monument – and right next to it a mighty red oak. Our conceptual design preserves and protects the trees in the long term, and integrates the trees as essential elements in the new layout of the square. This creates a versatile urban space with a greatly increased welcoming quality of a stay in that area.

A Plateau for Fürstenberg

@Claudia Dreysse

A Plateau for Fürstenberg

@Claudia Dreysse

A Plateau for Fürstenberg

@Claudia Dreysse

A Plateau for Fürstenberg

@Claudia Dreysse

A Plateau for Fürstenberg

@Claudia Dreysse

A Plateau for Fürstenberg

@Claudia Dreysse

A Plateau for Fürstenberg

@Claudia Dreysse

A Plateau for Fürstenberg

@Claudia Dreysse

A Plateau for Fürstenberg

@Claudia Dreysse

A Plateau for Fürstenberg

@Claudia Dreysse

A Plateau for Fürstenberg

@Claudia Dreysse

A Plateau for Fürstenberg

@Planergruppe Oberhausen

The new layout is characterised by an expansive plateau with surrounding steps, which still ensures to allow a barrier-free access of the surrounding buildings. The steps surround and frame the elevated location of the old trees, creating a place to stay protected and secluded from the surrounding spaces, and providing a natural barrier to wild bicycle parking. Spacious wooden seating platforms underneath the mighty trees protect the trees’ roots and provide shadowy seating opportunities for students and for visitors of the museums and the city centre. Both tree grids are planted with perennials, grasses, ferns and bulb flowers. The seasonal selection of plants provides an attractive and diverse planting.

The new square is a sublime place for retreat, encounter and welcoming stopover in the middle of the urban historic city centre.

广场的另一个中心元素是弗兰兹·弗里德里希·威廉·冯·弗尔斯滕贝格(Franz Friedrich Wilhelm von Fürstenberg)的雕塑,该雕塑在高原上的显著位置。地板选用砂岩色混凝土砌块。地板的颜色和形式基于历史建筑基座和窗玻璃的砂岩,并与LWL艺术和文化博物馆的正面相对应。台阶也选择了相同的色调——因此,高原似乎是由一个单一的铸造单元建造而成,游客可以体验到一个沉浸在暖色中的平静场所。立面聚光灯和桅杆灯为Aa湖和相邻建筑物入口的连接路径提供功能照明。在高原上,只有弗尔斯滕伯格雕塑和座椅平台的角落被突出。
Another central element of the square is the sculpture of Franz Friedrich Wilhelm von Fürstenberg, which has been prominently positioned on the plateau. As flooring, sandstone coloured concrete block was selected. The flooring colour and format are based on the sandstone of the plinths and window casements of the historic buildings, and correspond with the facade of the LWL Museum of Art and Culture. The same shade of colour was also chosen for the steps – the plateau hence seems to have been constructed out of one single cast unit and the visitor experiences an unruffled location dipped in warm colours. Facade spotlights and mast lights provide the functional illumination of the connection path to the lake Aa and to the entrances of the adjacent buildings. On the plateau itself, only the Fürstenberg sculpture and the corners of the seating platforms are accentuated.

The new square at the Fürstenberghaus, as well as the public sidewalks at the LWL Museum of Art and Culture, will now remain free of bicycle parking areas. A bicycle parking garage will be built laterally to the connection route to the lake Aa in a second construction phase in order to cover the high demand for parking spaces. The upper floor of the bicycle garage will be reached via the same level from Fürstenbergplatz, the basement will be reached via the lower Johannisstraße.

Re-design of the square in front of Fürstenberghaus (Münster, Germany)

Location: MÜNSTER
Planning period: since 2015
Year of realisation: 2017
Area: 1,600 m2
