LILA 2019:Objets Trouvés
LILA 2019: Objets Trouvés
This project is 2019 Ex-Aequo Winner in Public Projects Category
陪审团声明:Objets Trouvés项目以卓越的艺术品质和明显的历史意识令人信服。将地堡从它的祖传位置移开,让它重新出现在一个新的地堡中,这既令人惊讶又有效。这种迟钝的错位首先对基础设施的要求做出反应,最后将掩体变成现成的,创造了全新的视觉感知质量。正是在这一共鸣的美学空间中,当代基础设施的发展最终成为欧洲战争历史的一部分。因此,历史的真实痕迹是出于真正的目的而保持可见的——尽管这需要移动掩体这样的行动。作为一种大胆甚至激进的姿态,该项目一方面将自己铭记在过去、现在和未来之间,另一方面也将自己铭记在缺席和在场之间的难以消除的紧张之中。在这样做的过程中,它为当代风景园林学科作为一种艺术性的文化实践制定了一个值得注意的参考点。
From the jury statement: The project Objets Trouvés convinces with outstanding artistic quality and visible historical awareness. Moving the bunker from its ancestral place and letting it re-appear in a new one is both astonishing and effective. This blunt dislocation, which first reacts to infrastructural requirements and finally turns the bunker into a ready-made, creates a whole new quality of visual perception. It is in this aesthetic space of resonance, where contemporary infrastructure development ultimately becomes conceivable as a possible instalment of the European warfare history. Consequently, the actual traces of history are kept visible with a genuine purpose – although this required such an action as moving a bunker. As a bold and even radical gesture, the project inscribes itself in the infusible tension between past, present, and future on the one hand, and between absence and presence on the other. In doing so, it formulates a notable reference point for the contemporary discipline of landscape architecture as an artistically informed cultural practice.
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The Lekkanaal is a canal linking two crucial waterways that pass through the centerof the Netherlands. The two waterways; the river Lek and the Amsterdam-Rijn canal both have varying water fluctuation levels. The Lekkanaal serves as the most important inland shipping route in the Netherlands. The Princes Beatrix Lock in the middle of the Lekkanaal allows this shipping route to cross the country from North to South. In order to allow theever-growingstate of the art ships to use this route, the Princes Beatrix Lock will be enlarged with a third lock chamber. Consequently, the Lek canal will need to be widened. The lock and the canal both have great historical value, and therefore need to be managed with care. Bureau B+B defined the preconditions forthe landscapeintegration.
运河的拓宽涉及东堤的搬迁。在这条堤坝内,19世纪军事防线的掩体和国家纪念碑Nieuwe Hollandse Waterline隐藏在地形中。这条军事防线由一系列地堡、藏身地和堡垒组成,从北到南遍布全国。在这些掩体之间,一个由田地、堤坝和水厂组成的网络形成了一大片可能被完全淹没的土地,防止可能的敌人从东部进入该国西部。直到今天,国防线仍然几乎完好无损。
The widening of the canal involves the relocation of the Easterndike. Within thisdike,bunkers of the nineteenth-century militarydefenseline and a state monument, the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie, lay hidden in the landform. This militarydefenseline consisted of a series of bunkers, hiding places and fortresses spanning from North to South throughout the entire country. Between these bunkers a network of fields,dikesand waterworks formed a wide strip of land that could be entirely flooded, preventing possible enemies from the East entering the West of the country. Up until today, thedefenseline remains nearly entirely intact.
拆除这些掩体会破坏防线的连续性,因此开创了先例。简单地重新安置这些物体将被视为篡改历史。因此,必须以清楚地表明物体已被移动的方式将物体放在一边。他们被小心地移动、扭曲和转动。通过采取这些措施,运河的拓宽成为景观历史的一部分。在运河边,与之相伴的人像“Objets Trouvés”一样逗留着,创造了一个关于近代历史的博物馆景观。
Removing these bunkers would have destroyed the continuity of thedefenseline and therefore set a precedent. To simply relocate these objects would be considered the falsification of history. Therefore, the objects must be set aside in a manner that clearly illustrates that they have been moved. They were carefully moved, twisted and turned. By taking these measures, the widening of the canal becomes a legible part of the landscape’s history. The casemates linger as ‘Objets Trouvés’ along the canal, creating a museum landscape of the recent history.
Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie的掩体是一场复杂的政治辩论的主题。Nieuwe Hollandse Waterline国家项目希望将Nieuwe Hollandse Waterline列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产。因此,任何对国防线如此大规模的干预都将危及人们的认识。B+B局与国家项目紧密合作,寻求文化遗产这一主题的解决方案。最终,相关利益相关者同意了“Objets Trouvés”战略,这导致了项目的实施。
The bunkers of the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie were subjects of a complex political debate. The National Project of the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie aspires to have the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie listed as UNESCO World Heritage. As a result, any intervention on this scale to the Defense line would put recognition in jeopardy. Bureau B+B worked intensively alongside the National Project towards a solution within this topic of cultural heritage.Eventuallyall the involved stakeholders agreed to the strategy of ‘Objets Trouvés’ which led to the execution of the project.
The Princes Beatrix Lock was built in 1937 and has since been named a state monument. It is a landmark, one that should not be overshadowed by the new lock chamber. Bureau B+B designed the new chamber as a ‘cut in the land’, one that is truly submerged into the landscape. The black concrete blends with the surroundings in a subtle way that contrasts the bright white towers of the original locks.
Esthetical Demands Program
“Objets Trouvés”战略证明,大胆但对环境敏感的方法是汇集和解决围绕景观、身份、经济表现和文化遗产的复杂讨论的唯一途径。我们认为Objets Trouvés是一个很好的例子,它积极地为这本书添加了一章,称之为我们的文化景观。
The project was tendered with a DBFMO contract. Within this tender Bureau B+B was responsible for the Esthetical Demands Program, concerning the requirements related to spatial quality. This does not only cover aesthetics, but includes the subjects regarding landscape identity, functionality, public support, and the spatial concept.
The DBFMO contract was won by the consortium Sas van Vreeswijk. Within this consortium, HNS was responsible for the translation of the strategy into a landscape plan.
The ‘Objets Trouvés’ strategy proves that a bold yet contextually sensitive approach is the only way in which complex discussions around the landscape, identity, economic performance and cultural heritage can be brought together and resolved. We think Objets Trouvés is a good example of actively adding a chapter to the book that is called our cultural landscape.
Bureau B+B Urbanism and Landscape Architecture defined the preconditions and concept for the landscape integration commissioned by the State Water Board (Rijkswaterstaat).
The Consortium Sas van Vreeswijk including H+N+S Landscape Architects won the DBMFO tender and elaborated the strategy into a landscape plan.
Project location: Princes Beatrixsluis 1, Nieuwegein, Netherlands
Design year: 2014-2017
Year Built: 2016-2018