
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-8-17 17:11

Maple tree Business City

DLC:Maple tree Business City(MBC)是办公楼的一个里程碑式发展,它利用了上海对高质量a级办公空间不断增长的需求,以满足跨国公司和大型国内公司快速增长的需求。枫树商业城位于上海徐家汇购物区、上海南站、虹桥交通枢纽和虹桥国际机场附近,由于其地理位置接近上海国际机场和交通枢纽,因此实际上已成为“航空城”的一部分。
DLC: Maple tree Business City (MBC) is a landmark development of office towers that capitalizes on the rising demand for high quality Grade-A office space in Shanghai catering to the rapidly expanding needs of both multinational corporations and large domestic companies. Located near Shanghai’s Xujiahui shopping district, Shanghai South Railway Station, Hongqiao Transportation Hub and the Hongqiao International Airport, Maple tree Business City has virtually become part of an ‘aerotropolis’ unto itself due to its location proximity to Shanghai’s International Airport and Transportation Hub.

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City


Built on structure, the lush central gardens are separated into several levels with an upper sky pedestrian bridge connecting each building as a canopy walk through the trees with filtered views of a large green enclosure park below. Open lawns framed with various species of perennial flowers and native grasses, seasonal Ginkgo and varieties of Maple become vibrant with yellows and reds throughout the spring and autumn. The sky bridge roof rooted with native seasonal plants link the office towers together and frame the lush gardens as a ‘colored ribbon’ promoting the concept of “Slow Green” with seasonal plant growth of flowers and natural grasses. The Slow Green concept finds beauty in leaves, shoots, berries and buds as they exist naturally in different seasons throughout the year including winter with various textures of brown, yellows and reds. More than 50 species of the plants were established on the canopy roof.

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City


Creating a seamlessly interconnected hub for work, leisure and lifestyle, MBC provides a well-planned “work and play” environment ideal for companies who wish to locate their office closer to public transportation networks on the fringes of the city. Wide public spaces, an eco-pond, lush natural landscape, art installations, playgrounds, performance space, connectivity to parks in the vicinity and accessibility to various public transport nodes further enhance MBC as a choice location for modern businesses. MBC’s environmentally sustainable landscape design and features are on display as part of a visual educational initiative that illustrates how the ecological role of both architecture and landscape ceases to be a separate agenda.

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City

Maple tree Business City



Name of the project: Wei Jing Center/ Shanghai Maple Tree Business City

Short Office name:DLC

Role of the Office in the Project:Landscape Architect

Website: www.dlcdesign.net.cn

Architect: Aedas

Client: Shanghai Lingfeng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd

Project location: Minhang District Shanghai, China

Completion: 2018
