法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre

景观设计 / 公园广场 2021-8-12 02:00

法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre

Lapierre设计的环形镜子装置位于法国巴黎的旺多姆广场,反射着周围的环境和光,与路过者产生互动感。该作品是为了FIAC 2011会议而创作,并受到奥迪的赞助。它是一系列有规则聚集的圆柱体镜子阵列。

法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre

法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre

法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre

法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre


法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre


法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre

法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre

法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre

法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre

法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre

法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre

法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre

法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre

法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre

The Ring installation by Arnaud Lapierre in Place Vendôme in Paris, France plays with the context of this urban space through reflections, light and the interaction of passers-by. The piece was created for the FIAC 2011 Conference and sponsored by Audi. It is an aggregation of offset mirrored blocks stacked to form a cylinder.

The simple repetition of the mirrored blocks creates an interior and exterior space where the urban context of Place Vendôme is filtered selectively through the defined volume of the installation.

It essentially deconstructs and morphs the surrounding buildings and sky and produces a disorienting, but engaging experience of the plaza.

The buildings appear and reappear between the mirrored surfaces and voids, changing the perception of space and enclosure for each user.

It alters the condition of the plaza by creating spaces that are at times transparent and at other moments reflections of the visitors, the sky and the buildings beyond.

法国,巴黎,环形镜子装置/Arnaud Lapierre