巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

景观设计 / 公园广场 2021-8-12 02:17

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

来自荷兰的两个艺术家Jeroen Koolhas和Dre Urhahn与2005年开始合作,2006年,他们开始在巴西进行社区为主导的艺术的构想。他们在巴西里约最臭名昭著的贫民窟,与当地青年合作,实现了两幅巨大的壁画。两个壁画完成后,他们开始第三个项目:“O Morro”。

初始的想法是贫民区的绘画,画面布满山坡上的整个贫民区,所有居民和游客都可以看见。葡萄牙语的'o morro'的意思是“山”,也作为贫民窟或贫民区的同义词使用,艺术家选择该词汇作为贫民区绘画项目第三阶段的名称。它于在2010年年初开始,并于最近完成。

您可以在他们的官方主页 和他们的Facebook Page上找到详细资料。

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn

Jeroen Koolhas and Dre Urhahn are two artist from Netherlands who started working together in 2005.

In 2006, they started developing the idea of creating community-driven art interventions in Brazil. Their efforts yielded two murals which were painted in Vila Cruzeiro, Rio’s most notorious slum, in collaboration with local youth. After both murals were finished, they started their third stage of their project, ‘O Morro’.

The initial idea of the Favela Painting project was always to paint an entire hillside favela in the center of Rio, visible to all inhabitants and visitors. As the portuguese translation for ‘the hill’; ‘o morro’ is also used as a synonym for slum or favela, the artists chose to use this name for the third stage of the Favela Painting project. ‘O Morro’ started early in 2010 and was recently finished.

You can find more on the projects in their official website and their Facebook Page. See more images of ‘O Morro’ after the break.

巴西,贫民区建筑欢乐涂色/Jeroen Koolhas + Dre Urhahn