建筑师: Substance
地点: 拉脱维亚,Jurmala
项目类型: 森林公园的重建建筑
项目建筑师: Arnis Dimins, Brigita Barbale
设计组: Guna Priede, Krisjanis Leitis, Ieva Dimante, Rihards Vietrins
业主: Jurmala City Council
主承包商: TADERS
公园面积: 131,108 平方米 (13,1 ha)
毛室内面积: 541 平方米
总造价: 4,1 M €
项目年代: 2003-2005
建设年代: 2007-2009
摄影: Ansis Starks
Dzintari森林公园的位置是独一无二的。 它位于非常尤尔马拉市中心,占地13公顷。森林公园周围发展了密集的公共建筑和住宅。将森林公园纳入到城市的基础设施的整体系统,并让森林公园对市民开放成了热门话题。
模块系统的形式原则最适合该公园建筑。模块像树枝和根一样分叉,保护周围的自然的基础元素,并按照类似的原则发展出道路结构。因此,建筑呈现角度不同的平面和立面,大大减少了整体笨重的体量。复合板与表面抛光铝用于外立面表皮。 镜面般的垂直表皮反射着周围的自然景观,减弱了建筑对环境的影响。
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Architects: Substance
Location: Jurmala, Latvia
Type of Project: Reconstruction of Forest Park
Project Architects: Arnis Dimins, Brigita Barbale
Design Team: Guna Priede, Krisjanis Leitis, Ieva Dimante, Rihards Vietrins
Client: Jurmala City Council
Main contractor: TADERS
Park area: 131,108 sqm (13,1 ha)
Gross internal floor area: 541 sqm
Total cost: 4,1 M €
Project year: 2003-2005
Construction year: 2007-2009
Photographs: Ansis Starks
Dzintari forest park is unique due to its location. Its 13 ha territory of nature base is located in the very centre of Jurmala city. Due to intensive development of public and residential objects around this nature base territory, the idea to include it into the overall system of the city’s infrastructure objects and to adapt this territory to regular public visits became topical.
A 200-year-old pine-tree growth and the protected biotops of bilberry bush are the greatest treasures of Dzintari forest park. The new infrastructure is created as a singular mechanism that controls park visitors’ relationships with nature.
The infrastructure objects are located evenly throughout the park and are connected with wooden board foot-path raised above the ground. The most important active recreation element is the inline skating track in the middle of the park. Pedestrian bridge separates skater and pedestrian paths. The park also accomodates skate-board and street-ball grounds, children playground, cafes, sports inventory rental, lavatories and other buildings.
Modules system was selected as the most suitable principle for form-creation of the park’s building objects. Modules ramify like tree branches or roots, go around protected nature base elements and develop into foot-path structure that was created based on similar principles. As a result facades of building objects are broken into separate planes in different angles that significantly reduce the overall bulkiness of volumes. Composite panels with polished aluminium surface are used for facade finishing. Vertical division of specular facades reflect the natural appearance of surronding environment and dispel the park’s newly created building objects.
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