JDS建筑师事务所为意大利的里米尼镇(Rimini)设计了新的海景岸线。他们已经将该项目开发成一个城市电影胶片地带-线性的城市走廊结构,在这里室内外活动交织在缠绕的宽曲线中。平面形体依据Burle Marx的梦幻图案-Copacabana宽曲线,但将其定义到三维空间。这种强有力的、易于识别的图案呼应了沙丘的波纹和海水波浪,并且具有极强的纵向和横向的连接能力:在便利了宽曲线空间里行人徘徊的同时,整合了城市与街道间的联系。整个公共概念还涵盖了一个地下半层的大型停车场,因此使得人们不用爬到地面之上就能将宽广的海景尽收眼底。此概念是对大量海边遮挡海景构筑物的一种策略性解决方案。
(转载请注明来源http://www.ArchGo.com建筑实例 建筑图片 建筑文章翻译)
ulien de smedt architects have designed a new seascape for the coastal town of rimini, italy.
they have developed the project as an urban filmstrip, a linear sequence of urban frames
all intertwined in a boardwalk of interior and exterior activities. the shape of the plan
follows burle marx’s legendary pattern of copacabana’s boardwalk but re-interprets it in
a three-dimensional way. the powerful and recognisable pattern evokes sand ripples
and sea waves and has the incredible ability to allow both longitudinal and transversal
connections : to facilitate the meanderings of passers-by strolling along the boardwalk
while at the same time integrating the street connections coming from the city. the whole
public concept is covering a large parking facility half a floor underground and therefore
permits to view the horizon and sea without having the feeling of climbing a floor above
the ground. the concept is meant as a sectional solution to the abundance of sheds
and facilities laid out on the beach and blocking the sea view.
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