FTL事务所和贝·考伯·弗里德及合伙人建筑师事务所(所处亚利桑那州立大学校园建筑的建筑师)合作设计了这个强烈雕塑感的结构,以作为整个项目的中心。 标志物与另外4个咖啡厅、餐馆和社会功能的广场共同创造出了一个遮阳挡雨的中心庭院。覆盖物采用PTFE的玻璃纤维结构,大概有50000平方英尺(约5000平方米)。 标志物已于2009年5月竣工开放。
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Architects: FTL Design Engineering Studio
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Project Area: 4,645 sqm
Photographs: FTL
Located at the intersection of Scottsdale and McDowell Road, SkySong is a mixed-use project consisting of 1.2 million square feet of office, research and retail space, and a hotel /conference center at full build-out. In addition to the commercial space, SkySong will include multi-family residential units. Anchored by the iconic SkySong shade structure, it is built around a densely landscaped grand boulevard lined by ground-floor shops and restaurants with offices above. SkySong will serve the needs of businesses, research and technology industry and academia while building vital networks between university innovations, regional progress and the global technology industry.
FTL in collaboration with Pei Cobb Freed & Partners (Architect for the Campus Buildings) designed the sculptural tensile structure as a center piece for the overall development, providing a shaded center courtyard with 4 plazas for cafes, restaurants and social interaction. The PTFE glass fabric structure is approximately 50,000 sq ft of area and opened in May 2009.
版权:翻译 www.ArchGo.com 风声汽水