
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-8-5 16:10

Jin Wellbeing County

As many parts of the world are becoming an aging society – where more than 20% of the population are older than 60 years old, we need to rethink how we build our city for everyone to live meaningfully after retirement.

Seeking a new typology of future communities, ‘Jin Wellbeing County’ has become the first senior oriented mixed-use development in Thailand comprising residence, commercial unit, and hospital. Its planning focuses on 3 principles – ‘Sustainable Nature’, ‘Physical Wellbeing’, and ‘Sense of Community’, responding to seniors’ needs. Diverse activity dynamics are designed through ‘Retreat’, ‘Engage’ and ‘Create’ concepts which enhance all-round living experience. Together with our initial research on “The Seven Dimensions of Wellness,” marking beneficial approaches for aging life, all aspects are embedded in the landscape design to truly achieve “Community in the Ravine Forest.”

Jin Wellbeing County

From the research of “The Seven Dimensions of Wellness” to Design Principles

Jin Wellbeing County

The project goal is to creating various activity dynamics – ‘Engage,’ ‘Retreat,’ and ‘Create’ for Multi-generation community

Jin Wellbeing County

The overall element of “Community in the Ravine Forest”

Jin Wellbeing County

Design Strategies translated from 3 Design Principles

Jin Wellbeing County

Site Diagram explaining Emergency route, Activities, Meeting nodes, and Circulation

Jin Wellbeing County

Upcycle Water Management

Jin Wellbeing County

Diagram and Calculation suggesting Irrigation distribution and Flood mitigation

Jin Wellbeing County

Forest Biodiversity as a habitat for residents and urban wildlife

Jin Wellbeing County

Planting Design Strategy in imitating a true forest

Jin Wellbeing County

Aerial View of Jin Wellbeing County, showing Ravine Forest

Jin Wellbeing County

Aerial View of Jin Wellbeing County, showing Ravine Forest

Jin Wellbeing County

Aerial View of Jin Wellbeing County, looking at Jin Wellness Institute and Cascade

Jin Wellbeing County

Swimming Pool at the 2nd floor of Jin Wellness Institute

Jin Wellbeing County

Lush Greenery and Creek within the landscape

Jin Wellbeing County

Seating at every 30 m.

Jin Wellbeing County

Seating along the small bridge

Jin Wellbeing County

Commuting through the lush path

Jin Wellbeing County

Workshop and gathering tables in front of residential building

Jin Wellbeing County

Edible Garden Area

Jin Wellbeing County

Exercising in the pool amidst greenery

Jin Wellbeing County

Path and guiding rails within the pool

Jin Wellbeing County

Therapeutic Garden with handrails and assisted paths

Jin Wellbeing County

Therapeutic Garden with reflexology path and resting

Jin Wellbeing County

Access bridge over Biopond

Jin Wellbeing County

Aerial view of Biopond

Jin Wellbeing County

Relaxed Sensory Garden with equipped handrails

Jin Wellbeing County

Outdoor exposed seatings among plantings

Jin Wellbeing County

Material Details and Stone Experiment Process for Reflexology path

Jin Wellbeing County


Located in the Chao Phraya Flood Plain, the site of Jin Wellbeing County in Pathum Thani, the suburb of Bangkok, is previously known for agricultural lowland, which gets flooded seasonally. Nonetheless, as time passed by, the area gradually became urbanized by rows of buildings, housings, and infrastructure, leaving the possibility of severe flooding. By blocking the flow of water, Bangkok and its suburbs have faced critical phenomena such as 2011 Thailand Floods and regular flash floods during the rainy season. As a result, Jin Wellbeing County is designed thoughtfully with a consideration to the public and surrounding site, by adopting “Polder System,” which helps retain water before releasing to public amenity, apart from doing typical landfill methods. This approach potentially helps maintain flood in urban areas, leading to a resilient living, if used in every site around the city.

尽管整个一期总体规划包含所有混合用途设施,但该项目目前已在第一期58332平方米范围内完成,第一期包括Jin Wellness Institute和Thonburi Burana医院以及低层住宅区1和2。该项目仅提供22485平方米的绿地——包括地面和结构绿地,相当于现场面积的40%,超过30%的标准要求。
Despite the full-phase masterplan with all mixed use facilities, the project is now completed within 58,332 square meters of Phase I which comprises Jin Wellness Institute and Thonburi Burana Hospital and Low-rise Residential Cluster 1 and 2. The project exclusively offers 22,485 square meters of green spaces – both on-ground and on-structure, which equals to 40% of the site area, exceeding the 30% standard requirement.

Sustainable Nature

A perfect harmony with nature will surely enhance people’s physical and mental health. Plants selection varies in heights, forms and flower colors, including Perennials, Shoreline Trees, Groundcover plants. To imitate a forest, they are arranged all over softscape areas by mixing up, rather than in an orderly composition. They can trigger the ‘ecological succession’ process, allowing every species to grow mutually and substitute the older ones naturally over time.

Water management system functions in handling flooding on wet seasons and supplying adequate water on dry seasons. ‘Creek’ is proposed through the middle of the site as a main drainage and treatment system, along with ‘Bioswale,’ gathering runoff water from the outer part. Primarily purified water will flow along the way into ‘Biopond,’ used for retention and secondary treatment. It, therefore, provides reused water for irrigation and keeps the project green all year. This resilient ecosystem essentially becomes food sources and habitats for ‘urban wildlife’ such as birds, aquatic animals, insects and squirrels, playing a role in maintaining biodiversity and even exchanging such systems with nearby areas.

Physical Wellbeing

As ‘Universal Design’ is another main priority,all programs are connected with ‘All-ramp access,’ sloping up and down with equipped handrails and no additional steps. These pathways allow seniors and handicaps to stroll around safely. Ambulance can also easily pass through during an emergency. Seatings are placed at every 30-50 meters distance along the paths, where elderly can take a rest from time to time. Rough surface materials are used to reduce the risk of slippering, along with adequate lighting for night time usage.

治疗花园位于Jin健康研究所和Thonburi Burana医院附近,是确保身体健康的一大亮点。它鼓励用户锻炼他们的五种感官——视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉和触觉,在五颜六色和芳香的物种中实现整体健康。在这里,用各种粗糙的石头设计的足底按摩路径是可以实现的。此外,还有专为理疗设计的3种模式——平坦道路、斜坡路径、台阶。所有人都配备了扶手,让看护者可以一起行走,鼓励他们重建力量。
The Therapeutic Garden, located nearby Jin Wellness Institute and Thonburi Burana Hospital is one highlight that ensures physical wellness. It encourages users to exercise their five senses – sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch to achieve holistic health, among colorful and fragrant species. Here, doing feet massage is attainable at the reflexology path designed with various sets of rough stones. There are also special trails for physical therapy designed in 3 patterns – flat road, slope path, steps. All are equipped with handrails, allowing caretakers to walk together and encourage them to rebuild their strengths.

Sense of Community

“Multi-generation living” is another key feature, where independent living, family, and assisted living are united to build community spirit with activity dynamics. In order to ‘engage,’ space planning is designed to add a ‘chance of meeting,’ encouraging cross activity interaction such as exercise area and enclaves of gathering spots along the creek. Yet, there are also private seating niches and secluded outdoor tables among greenery, offering a sense of ‘retreat.’ After all, an edible garden allows to ‘create’ some dining and workshop together, leading to lifelong learning.

此外,在Jin Wellness Institute的前面是cascade,提供湿润的森林氛围、绿色草坪和游泳池供集体锻炼,人们可以在这里享受时间,也可以沿着场地的慢跑跑道跑步。同样,在二楼,有米标准的游泳池、水疗池、冷热浴缸和游泳池平台,适合不同的需求和生活方式。
Moreover, in front of Jin Wellness Institute are the cascade, offering moisturized forest atmosphere, green lawn and swimming pool for group exercise, where people can enjoy taking time, as well as running along the site’s jogging track. Likewise, at the 2nd floor, there are meters standard lap pool, hydrotherapy pool, hot-cold tub and pool deck, suitable for different needs and lifestyles.

To conclude, Jin Wellbeing County surely is a living complex full of serenity and multi-generation spirit amidst a seamless harmony with nature and biodiversity, flourishing good quality of life.

Other designers involved in the design of landscape:

Design Director – Prapan Napawongdee

Landscape Architect

– Napajorn Srichatsuwan
– Worawe Jamsomboon

– Pawida Bualert

– Prueksachol Chutchawanchaiphan

– Thita Cherdkiadtikul

– Supika Sukjamsai

Horticulturist – Supaluk Paorik, Tanee Sawasdee

Construction Manager – Thitiwat Chintanavitch

Project location: Rangsit, Pathumthani, Thailand

Design year: Phase 1 – 2016-2020

Year Built: 2020
