
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-8-5 16:01

Empire Stores

1869年的咖啡仓库位于布鲁克林大桥公园的前面,现在这里有零售商店、办公场所、餐厅、啤酒园和布鲁克林历史学会的前哨基地。标志性建筑的Future Green景观包括一个7000平方英尺的屋顶公共公园(布鲁克林大桥公园景观系列中的第一个),50000平方英尺的绿色屋顶种植野生草甸物种;还有烧焦的雪松花盆的街景,回荡着建筑的工作历史。
The 1869 coffee warehouse fronting along the wildly successful Brooklyn Bridge Park – is now home to retail stores, office space, restaurants, a beer garden, and an outpost of the Brooklyn Historical Society. Future Green’s landscape for the iconic structure comprises a 7,000-square-foot rooftop public park (the first of its kind in the landscape repertoire of Brooklyn Bridge Park), 50,000 square feet of green roofs planted with wild meadow species; and a streetscape of charred cedar planters echoing the building’s working past.

The design concept amplifies the simple forms and powerful voids that operate at multiple scales throughout the site, from its position along the waterfront framed by two archetypal bridges to the abandoned work spaces of another time. Angular, diamond-plate steel planters and reclaimed-wood seating echo the dynamic rip-rap shapes along the nearby river’s edge. The carefully selected greenery stitches all the different architectural and natural elements together. The multifaceted space attracts locals, tourists, and visitors daily.

Empire Stores

Empire Stores

Empire Stores

Empire Stores

Empire Stores

Empire Stores

Empire Stores

Empire Stores

Empire Stores

Website: www.futuregreenstudio.com/design/empire-stores/

Other designers involved in the design of landscape: S9 Architecture

Project location (Street, City, Country): Brooklyn, NY

Design year: 2014

Year Built: 2016

Manufacturer of urban equipment: AGA
