UC School of Public Health / Marty and Joyce Griffin Terrace
加州大学伯克利分校公共卫生学院委托Groundworks办公室设计他们的新花园露台。尽管该场地在5层建筑结构和预算紧张方面存在技术挑战,但地面工程办公室设计了一个花园,为西马林的微妙生态提供通道。该网站还纪念了坚定的环保主义者马蒂·格里芬(Marty Griffin)的工作。
UC Berkeley School of Public Health commissioned Groundworks Office to design their new garden terrace. Despite the site’s technical challenges with building on a 5th floor structure and a tight budget, Groundworks Office designed a garden that channels the delicate ecology of west Marin. The site also memorializes the work of stalwart environmentalist, Marty Griffin.
The primary feature of the garden is the Bolinas Bench, a hulking multi-tiered wood structure that pays homage to the emergent flotsam found on Bolinas Beach. The bench is the communal gathering spot for the terrace and provides an ideal spot to survey the idyllic hills of North Berkeley. The garden is planted with flora that can be found all along the western flank of Mount Tamalpais, a landscape the donor worked diligently to save and protect.