Albany Loop
Along the idyllic eastern shore of the San Francisco Bay is Albany, California, a small hamlet with a penchant for renegade behaviors. It all started in 1908 when two women with shotguns protested the dumping of trash in their community by Berkeley, its neighboring city. Shortly thereafter, town folk voted to incorporate what we know today as Albany, California.
Fast forward nearly 100 years, Albany released a Call for Artists to engage their beloved Ohlone Greenway. The city’s ambitious goals for the project faced the hard realities of a $40,000 budget.Groundworks Office found no better time to rouse its own renegade spirit.
该场地是湾区快速交通高架轨道下的一片草地。1964年,当城市选民拒绝支付轻轨地下铺设费用时,奥隆绿道(Ohlone Greenway)成为了城市的遗迹。其结果是,尽管完全是偶然,但却创造了一个充满活力、生态丰富的城市线性公园。
The site was a stretch of lawn cowering under the Bay Area Rapid Transit’s elevated tracks. This urban remnant, the Ohlone Greenway, was made when city voters declined to pay for the undergrounding of light-rail tracks in 1964. The result, albeit via total happenstance, was the creation of a vibrant, ecologically rich, urban linear park.
The solution was going to need a serious helping of moxie and creative might.
于是,奥尔巴尼环路(Albany Loop)在一次创作繁荣中诞生了。该环路使用直径为12英寸的高强度钢管在整个场地上快速移动,人们可以坐下来,放松,休息,然后骑上它。在高潮时,它以大胆的图形化和充满活力的陈述表达了奥尔巴尼。奥尔巴尼环路的规模是为了成为一个大胆的地标,不仅对那些在地面上骑、走或滑行的人,而且对那些在上面通过的人。
And so, in a fit of creative exuberance Albany Loop was created. The Loop flurries across the site using a 12” diameter, high-strength steel pipe which people can sit, relax, rest, and get goofy on. At its crescendo, it spells out ALBANY in an audaciously graphical and energetic statement. The scale of Albany Loop was intended to be a bold landmark not just for those riding, walking or scooting on the ground, but for those passing above too.
Image Credits: Caitlin Atkinson