Mexico Las Ventanas al Paraiso luxury resort hotel
这是SWA设计的墨西哥卡波圣卢卡斯Las Ventanas al Paraiso奢华度假酒店。酒店临近San Jose del Cabo廊附近的海滩,靠近卡波皇家高尔夫球场、埃尔多拉高尔夫俱乐部和奇莱诺海滩。地区其他景点包括巴尔米亚高尔夫俱乐部和圣玛丽亚海滩。该设计借鉴南下加利福尼亚州巴哈半岛的原始之美——崎岖地貌、原生植物、蓝天碧水——创建出的海滨度假胜地。就地使用材料和竹屋,加强现有排水模式,打造戏剧性的景观。利用山脊上现有的花岗岩悬崖筑基,打造沿山建筑群。保证低密度的场地同时,为每个建筑提供欣赏到地平线的全部风景。
Las Ventanas al Paraiso度假酒店有私家沙滩、八幢楼宇和四幢别墅,包括61间套房、 4 间餐厅,主要接待polapa ,餐厅,会议,水疗中心和零售设施池畔酒吧和酒吧/酒廊。娱乐设施包括高尔夫球场。酒店还有多个室外网球场、水疗浴盆、桑拿和健身设施。景观设计包括场地规划,建筑分布,空间分级,照明,现场设施和施工观察。
译者: 温冷清秋
The design for Las Ventanas draws upon the raw beauty of the Baja Peninsula – its rugged landforms, native plants, beaches and skies – to create a resort that lies gently on its coastal site. Using a vocabulary of indigenous plant material, local materials and enhancing the sites existing drainage patterns, SWA designed a place which celebrates the drama of this harsh, water-starved desert setting. The Las Ventanas site rolls gently from the main highway leading to Cabo San Lucas to the aquamarine surf of the Sea of Cortez. The designers prepared many site plan options, which they staked out in the field and studied with the entire team to fully understand the patterns of prevailing winds, topography, and site lines. The resulting plan makes use of an existing granite escarpment by placing buildings at the base of the escarpment and along the ridgeline above. This allows for a low-density site plan which preserves site features while providing every unit with a panoramic view to the horizon. The final program consists of 61 suites situated in eight buildings, four villas, a main reception polapa, restaurant, and conference, spa and retail facilities. The landscape architects sought environmentally responsible sources of native plants. One such source was a nearby property in the process of being cleared for use as a landfill. Here the landscape architects found large quantities of locally indigenous plants including the Torte tree, the statuesque Palo Adan, Sotol and Agave along with Pitaya and Bisnagia cactus species. Moving these plants for reuse at the resort site preserved hundreds of native plants which would otherwise have been destroyed. The arroyos (drainageways) which carry water from the mountains to the sea inspired the resort pool design. Originating at the reception area in shallow basin, the pool courses its way through the site towards the open sea beyond. Boulders reclaimed from the site help to define the pool’s sinuous form and create a necessary change in elevation along the existing topography of the site. Small pools in the boulders invite swimmers to rest for a moment and take in the panorama of Las Ventanas. The landscape architects led a multi-disciplinary team which included the architect, the civil engineer, development consultant, and a very active and interested owner. The work of the landscape architects included site planning, building placement, grading, lighting, all site amenities, and construction observation. Artisans from all over Mexico crafted the landscape architect's design and their works distinguished this very special place.
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