Waterfront Plaza
NoWorksOffice的挑战是重新设想一个位于旧金山历史上的NabCabeRo的技术校园。现有的校园已经过时,让人想起水资源丰富、肯塔基蓝草盛行的日子。我们的方法是双重的——为人们创造空间,并深化场地的潜在生态。在项目的第一阶段,我们为校园引入了全新的种植调色板。通过使用耐旱和本地种植,我们大幅降低了耗水量和维护成本。在项目的第二阶段,我们开始为校园设计两个调解节点。每个节点都有一个定制设计的长凳,由西红雪松和Cor Ten钢制成。该长椅参照了街区的历史和Embarcadero的工作滨水区,粗犷、笨重,但其实用性和直率却很漂亮。
Groundworks Office’s challenge was to reimagine a technology campus situated along San Francisco’s historic Embarcadero. The existing campus was outdated and reminiscent of days when water was plentiful and Kentucky Bluegrass was en vogue. Our approach was two-fold — make spaces for people and deepen the site’s potential ecology. For Phase 1 of the project we introduced an entirely new planting palette to the campus. By using drought tolerant and native plantings, we reduced water consumption and maintenance cost dramatically. In Phase 2 of the project we set about designing two peacemaking nodes for the campus. Each node received a custom designed bench, constructed of western red cedar and Cor-Ten Steel. The bench references the neighborhood’s historic past and the working waterfront of the Embarcadero, rough, bulky but beautiful in its pragmatism and straightforwardness.