Billie Holiday Playground by Carve
这是由Carve设计的海牙市Billie Holiday(比利假日)游乐场。位于海牙安静的郊区Loosduinen。这座公园在翻新之前,几乎被人遗忘。然而,随着修复之后,这里变成了一个极具吸引力的公园。在翻新伊始,社区委员会举办了公众参与的活动,充分了解了当地居民的意愿。因此,翻新足球场和自行车路径首当其冲。通过重新安置新设备,而达到周围空间重组的目的。
译者: 温冷清秋
The Billie Holiday park is situated in Loosduinen, a quiet suburb of The Hague. After a recent renovation of the park, this part seemed to be forgotten; it was an unused, neglected space. However, this changed when a residential-care complex was built. Suddenly, this part became a front side, which created the possibility to transform this place into an attractive park zone, too. The community board organised a participation process, mapping the wishes of the local residents. Renovating the soccer field and guarding off the biking path were important starting points, just like improving the spatial structure of the park. By arranging all new functions in one binding element, the surrounding space is reorganised, too.
Carve designed an organically shaped play hill with three ‘heads’, which curls around an existing tree like a stretched piece of elastic. Because of this addition the surroundings are redefined, focused on its neighbouring functions like the residential care complex and the houses. The edges of the object continuously transform; from a sitting edge, tribune and tree bench to a two meter high climbing wall. The two lower edges are designed as a platform, in which various play elements are integrated. The highest bulge surrounds a sheltered space with more dynamic elements.
The sculpture merges, because of its fluid forms and continuous skin, into one large play object that attracts all ages and ability levels. Because of its shape and colour the object is an important functional addition to this part of the park, which in a short time span has become the new meeting place for the whole neighbourhood.
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