2013 asla winner: Bud Clark center for homeless people in the United States
位置:美国 俄勒冈州
景观时间: 2013
图片来源:C. Bruce Forster
这是由 Mayer/Ree设计的美国俄勒冈州波兰特的Bud Clark无家可归者中心。该项目主要为无家可归者提供服务。在这座庭院和外部空间中,为流浪汉们提供了积极的环境,为他们带来希望、尊严和尊重。该建筑可容纳300人,为通过审核的人,提供确保安全的永久性住房。该项目能够激励其他城市施行同样的计划和服务,为社会上的无家可归人群提供服务。
译者: 温冷清秋
The Bud Clark Commons is an urban mixed-use building offering services to homeless persons. Drawing people from the street, its courtyards and exterior spaces have become transformative places that set forth a positive environment of hope, dignity and respect. Within the first six months, nearly 300 individuals secured safe and permanent housing through the programs. We feel that Bud Clark Commons will inspire other cities to administer similar programs and services to their homeless populations.
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