A fragmented orchard, Kirchberg, Luxemburg.
位置:卢森堡 教堂山
这是由 OKRA LANDSCHAPSARCHITECTEN设计的卢森堡教堂山Grünewald Kirchberg果园。该项目位于私人建筑和公共广场之间。周围的建筑对该地区也影响深重。
译者: 温冷清秋
Site. This design is for public spaces for the Grünewald district, Kirchberg, Luxembourg. The assignment was to create public spaces between apartments buildings.
Fragments. The orchard stands in a fragmented layout of squares and passages organized in a grid system togheter with buildings and private parcels. The jury awarded the strong identity that the project introduce for this part of the Plateau of Kirchberg and also the gesture towards the rigid atmosphere of the buildings. A gradual change in the types and the densities of plantation creates a high quality link between the higher part of the district, more business and urban a-like, and the southern part, more natural, leading towards the Klosengroendchen park. Different atmospheres of orchard are created to provide a specific sense of place to each areas of the new district. A network of lines bind the different pieces of public space in order to create a narrative and spatial link between each of the existing public spaces fragments.
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