Marktplatz in Bünde
广场的一个新特征被提出,它为事件提供了必要的多功能性,也形成了一个清晰的、创造身份的表达。这些区域从汽车交通中恢复,并可用于市场、活动、美食、水上游戏和绿化等综合用途。扩建的校园和200个自行车停车位与高中的建筑相协调。广场被边缘所占据,从那里可以获得生活质量和入住邀请。延伸的校园和自行车停车场被一种松散的阿穆尔枫树(Acer ginnala)覆盖着,它们的排列让人想起了算盘的形状。向西到Marktstraße,市场以“绿色拱廊”展示自己。Marktstraße的面积包含在广场的设计中,形成了一个“共享空间”。
A new character of the square is proposed, that offers the necessary multifunctionality for events and also forms a clear and identity-creating expression. Areas are regained from car traffic and made available for comprehensive use such as markets, events, gastronomy, water games and green qualities. The extended schoolyard and 200 parking spaces for bikes align in relation to the building of the highschool. The square is taken by its edges and from there it’s provided with quality of life and invitation to stay. The extended schoolyard and the bike parking spaces are covered by a loose planting of Amur maple (Acer ginnala), which in their arrangement reminds of the shape of an abacus. Westward to Marktstraße the marketplace displays its self with “Green Arcades”. The area of Marktstraße is included in the design of the square and forms a “shared space”.
Role of your office in the project: Landscape design and planning work phases 1-8 HOAI
Website: l-plus.de/portfolio/marktplatz-buende/
Other designers involved in the design of landscape:
trabitzsch dittrich architekten gmbh (Hamburg), Ingenieurbüro Hans Tovar & Partner (Osnabrück), Burkhard Wand Lichtplanung (Hamburg)
Project location: Marktstraße, 32257 Bünde, Germany
Design year: 2012
Year Built: 2014
Manufacturer of urban equipment:
design of the bicycle stand and the bus shelter by us, manufactured by MHB GmbH; design of the bench with an integrated junction bos by us, manufactured by Gödde-Beton