位于里奇伍德皇后区,现在是一个户外啤酒花园,由布鲁克林DJ先生周六晚上创建。Future Green Studio设计了这个花园,在周日下午可以容纳数百名成人和儿童聚会者,花园里有舞池、DJ室、野餐桌和食品摊贩。灵感来源于现有的后工业区及其杂草丛生的景观,该异想天开的空间被开发为包括多个悬挂空间,在绿草丛生的土堆上有非正式的座位、木长椅和与树木整合的木平台。灵活的设计给了永久空间一种弹出式的感觉,使其易于在各种活动中变换。
Located In Ridgewood Queens, Nowadays is an outdoor beer garden founded by Brooklyn DJ Mister Saturday Night. Future Green Studio designed the garden to accommodate hundreds of adult and kid partygoers on Sunday afternoons, with a dance floor, DJ booth, picnic tables, and food vendors. Inspired by the existing post-industrial site and its weedy landscape, the whimsical space was developed to include multiple hang out spaces with informal seating on grassy mounds, timber benches, and wood platforms integrated with trees. The flexible design gave the permanent space a pop-up feel, making it easy to transform for various events.
Selected for their phytoremediating capability, a grid of honey locust trees absorbs heavy metals from the soil over time and offers filtered shade on hot summer days. Sumac, grey birch, and quaking aspen trees populate the grassy mounds and perimeter of the site, referencing a successional landscape that typically emerges in disturbed areas. Tree of Heaven and Mulberry were left to contribute to the ecology and weedy aesthetic of the site. A great opportunity to embrace spontaneous urban plants. The intent was to enhance the site and not have it be overly curated.
Project name: Nowadays
Website: futuregreenstudio.com/design/nowadays/
Project location: Queens, NY
Design year: 2014
Year Built: 2015