
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-7-29 04:42

Ortolfstraße Residential Quarter

The outdoor facilities of the residential area are divided into a central common area, a children’s playground and twelve courtyards with an access function to the buildings and garden areas at the back of the buildings.

The central green space of the development provides ample space for neighbourhood events and recreational activities for all generations. It is framed by the neighbourhood street from where you can access the (semi-)private garden areas and the courtyards that are formed by a group of three buildings. They have a green core and combine a small children’s playground and a shared lounge area.

Ortolfstraße Residential Quarter

Ortolfstraße Residential Quarter

Ortolfstraße Residential Quarter

Ortolfstraße Residential Quarter

Ortolfstraße Residential Quarter

Ortolfstraße Residential Quarter

Ortolfstraße Residential Quarter

Ortolfstraße Residential Quarter

Ortolfstraße Residential Quarter

The issue of rainwater and the associated drainage plays a major role in this project. In order to infiltrate as much of the accumulating rainwater on site as possible, a complex but space-saving drainage concept was developed. The system is based on local conditions and the natural water cycle and also takes into account economic efficiency.

The flat roofs are extensively greened in order to be able to store the water temporarily. The remaining precipitation water is directed into swales, lawn troughs and other drainage systems such as Innodrains. The elements are interconnected in complex structures: Underneath the swales are gravel trenches connected by drainage pipes to a manhole that eventually leads to one of the four collection instructions. With appropriate planting, the infiltration troughs and basins fit elegantly into the overall concept of the outdoor facilities.
